The online racing simulator
Post your post!
(14 posts, started )
Post your post!
Continuing the trend of ''Post your X...'' threads, simply post your post! When the postie arrives simply take a snap and upload it here without delay! It will be a valuable insight into the lives of LFS members, and may even shave a few tenths off your lap times!

I would upload a pic of my post, but I live in the UK, and therefore haven't had a delivery in over 5 years...

Get 'posting'!
Ok, I`m not going to upload it because all I got was like 3 bills.
It was the bill for the electricity, the ADSL and the appartment. Borring stuff realy
What is it with these post your stuff posts?
Last post I got was a game from amazon
last post i got was from Directron for a Ram stick. was syked until i found out i had to do a bunch of crap before getting it working(which hasnt been done yet )
I got a gas bill yesterday. Yay. Plus I keep getting "vote for me" mail because there's a federal election imminent and there are at least 3 goddam catalogues in my letterbox when I get home each night. Then there are the free local magazines that seem to come twice a day despite the fact that noone reads them. I know junk mail's a fact of life, but when the letterbox is full the bastards start shoving them between the fence pailings and leaving them on top of my hedge - I mean, come on, if you're full at dinner do you start shoving food up your arse? Give me a ****ing break!

Anyway, there are no pics because all that crap gets immediately transferred to the recycle bin, where it makes a nice soft landing for all my empty bottles.
this is getting silly now.
I rarely get post. Our bills are paid Direct Debit and I ask they don't send me hard copies since I'm trying to help the environment!
Of course that doesn't stop the junk mail and takeaway menus coming in. Maybe I'll post some of them later
I mostly get flyers from fast food places through my door. And I get all indignant about it and I walk back upstairs to put them in the bin muttering dark utterings about what I'll do to those ****ing bastards if I ever catch them putting their ****ing litter through my door again. Then I've worked up an appetite and I call in a curry.
Here is my post, found in the movies section
Quote from squidhead :1) Laggy
2) messages in mpr
3) gamecam logo
4) oval part has only standart cameras
5) there is a oval part =\
6) doesnt look like a trailer...even a little..
you can make things interesting, but this is as exiting as a powerpoint presentation

6 flaws means a 4/10

Im not going to comment on awful drifting (and awful camera you chose there)
BUT - The music ended way before the movie
that's another -1

#14 - Jakg
Post Preview FTW!

(Your "new posts" indicator looks a little odd though)

Post your post!
(14 posts, started )