Could simply be your CPU overheating, or getting errors. When I was first overclocking my chip I hit a fsb wall where it would randomly BSOD, and restart if under hard load, even though my PSU was fine, my RAM, and my HD. I never knew why for the longest time, I thought my computer was completely toast, then I passed the FSB wall at about 130mhz and my chip is running as smooth as glass. **I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS** If I unplugged my heatsink, and let my chip start-up, it would just get hotter and hotter, BSOD, and restart. Even though we have limited knowledge about your problem, I'm going to go with a heat issue, so just check the heatsink, make sure its seated, monitor load temps, all that jazz.
PS...None of us are 'making fun of you', some of us just pointed out that it's hard for us to give you specific help when we don't have specific info. At least you are making an attempt to get your point across