The online racing simulator
CMX Auto render
(6 posts, started )
CMX Auto render
I have an architecture program that automatically renders from CMX style graphics (not very good) to a really nice render with controlled lighting and eveything. Would it be possible for CMX to automatically render skins? It probably wouldn't be the same quality as renders made now, but it may end some of the "render my skin plzzzz!!1" posts in the request section.
Quote from flymike91 :Would it be possible for CMX to automatically render skins?

Would it be possible for PDF to automatically do my homework for me?
lol i wish!
#5 - ORION
Well it could be possible is someone hosts a backburner render farm, and gives root / remote access to the queue, so people can just add their render jobs, and the rendered file will be done after some time...
Maybe its better to give access to a small program that just renames the skin file, starts 3dsmax and then renders the scene.
#6 - Gil07
I'd like that

CMX Auto render
(6 posts, started )