ATI X1600 AGP 8X running at 4x due to motherboard...
Hello I recently bought a ATI X1600 AGP 8X. But my Motherboard only supports 4X. I have some lag when there are alot of cars around me when racing, if i got a new motherboard that supports 8X do you think there will be a big improvement.

Or could this lag be comming from my 512mb DDR?
I have a P4 2.4GHZ
Any help would be great. thanks.

This is my video card.... ... aspx?Item=N82E16814161005

This is the motherboard im thinking about getting, Let me know if this is a good one to get or not. ... aspx?Item=N82E16813135025

And this is the memory im thinking about getting, Also let me know what you think about it. ... aspx?Item=N82E16820141198
#2 - ajp71
I'm not sure how much difference the AGP speed makes but I'd suggest thinking before buying an AGP motherboard with an obsolete processor and DDR RAM. I went through this process (similar PC) and concluded that there was nothing worth upgrading on my computer.

Getting some more RAM will make a difference, not sure if it's what is holding you up in LFS though and would probably be worth considering if you decide not to replace your computer in the imediate future.
#3 - Jakg
Won't make a diffence - tbh the only upgrade i'd bother with is an extra 512 MB of ram.

PS - NewEgg reviewers = N00bs.
so your saying my x1600pro isnt good enough for LSF
#5 - ajp71
Quote from 92hondalude :so your saying my x1600pro isnt good enough for LSF

No your performance in LFS should be (heavily) limited by your CPU. There's no getting away from the fact that buying a complete new system is going to be necessary fairly soon, I'm in the same boat
AGP 8X won't make a big difference. I speak from experience. I had my 9600XT at 4X, then I got a new motherboard and ran it at 8X, and I noticed almost no improvement. Bottom line: it's not worth it; if you wanna invest in anything, invest in new components not old AGP motherboards.
what about if i get a 3.0 prescott 800mhz H2 hyperthread..
#8 - Jakg
then you'd be sinking money into incredibly outdated and overexpensive technology.
#9 - ajp71
Quote from 92hondalude :what about if i get a 3.0 prescott 800mhz H2 hyperthread..

I would seriously recommend against spending $100 on a system that is already obsolete.
ok then what processor do you guys recomend?
I would like to stay with intel.
core 2 duo?
#11 - Jakg
Core 2 Duo rocks, but tbh you'd still need a new mobo/memory/gfx card.

Wha'ts your budget/current PC.
current setup is
Intel P4 Northwood 2.4ghz FSB 400mhz
512mb DDR pc3200
2 40GB harddrives
ATI X1600Pro
PC Chips m925

so you really think i need a new video card also?
do they make motherboards with a VGA slot and a PCI express?
Yeah dude, you could stick with socket 478, get a better CPU and overclock it. Also add another 512stick of RAM. That would give you noticeable improvements in everything, but you will still have a highly outdated system, so basically if you have the cash to get a new PC, go for it. Theres nothing there that is essential to good performance(socket 775, PCI-E, DDR2)
NOOO!! Don't stick with the s478. There still be lag with the most expensive s478 CPU

Quote from 92hondalude :current setup is
Intel P4 Northwood 2.4ghz FSB 400mhz
512mb DDR pc3200
2 40GB harddrives
ATI X1600Pro
PC Chips m925

so you really think i need a new video card also?
do they make motherboards with a VGA slot and a PCI express?

I think some Asrock boards support agp and pci-e