(52 posts, started )
Toca3 demo: Honda Civic racing round Donnigton, I downloaded the demo but the in-game screen is all black. Had to d/load a missing D3DX9_26.dll file as well to get it running. When qual starts all you can see is the mini map overhead view, the rest of the screen is all blank.
I'm running this on an ATi Radeon X660 card, is this a D3D issue?
#2 - Bean0
I had that with my x800. I found that turning off AF and AA in the control centre fixed it.
didn't that happen with TOCA2 aswell?
#4 - ajp71
Quote from ajp71 :Some nice person has made a video comparing screenshots to in game footage:

Hehehee, great vid. I wonder if that spelling error was meant to be there in the end . But thats just shows that LFS gives what the screenshots promise..and lot more.
#6 - ajp71
We need to get someone to make a vid like that for LFS
Quote from Bean0 :I had that with my x800. I found that turning off AF and AA in the control centre fixed it.

Thx Bean0, that did it. I had AF and AA forced on for all apps, it works fine now.
Where did you download that missing file?
Quote from ajp71 :Some nice person has made a video comparing screenshots to in game footage:

That video is so true. Codemasters (Codesuckers nowadays?) should get a prize for cheating (half-blind) players with Photoshopped screenshots. And another prize for calling that piece of crap a simulation.
had the prob with the dll too downloaded it then it was running fine for me.
(man this game sucks! btw )
im on a radeon 9200 se.
Quote from ajp71 :Some nice person has made a video comparing screenshots to in game footage:

Hahah! That video was very nice. Good example of how crapy Toca games are... and/or not what you expect . All fun factor I guess
Quote from deggis :Photoshopped screenshots

theyre called bullshots
#14 - avih
just tried the toca 3 demo. almost completely arcade. the car weight shifts nicely (sort of), but very hard to make any serious mistake. i'll stick to lfs
Quote from Tweaker :Hahah! That video was very nice. Good example of how crapy Toca games are... and/or not what you expect . All fun factor I guess

Sucks that Codemasters still uses that TOCA word... TOCA 1 and TOCA 2 were very good arcade/semi-sims.
Where was that donnington park based at?? They moved it to holland or something??
Quote from DejaVu :Where was that donnington park based at?? They moved it to holland or something??

This was Donington ? I remember it as a lot more uphill / downhill than the track in the video
Both demos are crap, no feel in the cars or anything, you can throw a car into a corner with no drama at all.

Save your bandwidth and dont even bother.
Downloaded the demo, played it, uninstalled it and deleted it. I guess it wasn't a waste of an hour of my life, if only because it saved me from ever considering buying it. I'm a sucker for any racing game when in Electronics Boutique, as my dusty copy of 'Spirit of Speed 1937' will attest.

Typical Codemasters to claim 'Ultimate Racing Simulator'....illepall
Quote from deggis :

Don't even click that if you don't want a headache. 8.7 and they even claim it to be a sim. LOL.

Quote :...
I admit, Criterion's Burnout series has spoiled us all. And in light of its success, you might ask how a simulation can be fun. TOCA Race Driver 3 makes it happen. It gives you the chance to drive more than 35 different racing disciplines, and it improves the great physics, graphics, car deformation, and handling that have made all Codemasters' games so likeable.
It's definitely a worthwhile addition to your racing game collection.

I disagree
Quote from Hyperactive :I disagree

I agree that you disagree lol

But only driving sim people need is lfs (altho not tired rFactor or gtl but will soon . . . . . maybe)

Edit : TOCA 1 was the best driving round in the tank pressing horn to shot at other cars
#24 - Jakg
i was running a lan party at school today (best way to get lfs publicised!) and this person asked about "trickin' out ma rydes", i said it was impossible, and that it was a simulator, he then said that GT4 was the "ultimate simulator" and it had it, i then had a long argument and explained that LFS has tryre physics, and has damage and proper setups, but is still only made by 3 people, then he just said "yeah, but it doesn't have real cars", but still LFS rocks! Tons of people complimented the graphics (im getting 40 fps using a flaming IGP!) and, once i had plugged headphones in, the "turbo-wooshy noise"
Wanted to buy it today,but wasn't in stock yet. Hope it is tomorrow,as it is a great game

(52 posts, started )