XRG or XRT as VW Corrado??
(13 posts, started )
XRG or XRT as VW Corrado??
Anyone fancy the challenge of making an XRG/XRT skin in the style of the VW Corrado?

i realise it wont be perfect but something similar would be awesome!
it would look better as a XFG. or do you really want it on the XR cars?
i thought the XR Coupe's would suit the shape better.

Or have i got my LFS car model names mixed up again??

well, it sort of looks like it but, real name brands on LFS cars have never looked that good. I'd still suggest it for the XFG though. the XR cars just look too ugly with fake lights.
any chance of seeing what the Corrado front would look like on the XFG hatchback?
do you mean a xfg with fake lights? I don't know thats possible. you could put the VW logos on the car yourself with paint or photoshop tho.
Hey veedub geezer, you and me both, LOVE volkswagens, just reading that advert (quite shit advert by volkswagens standards) made me smile. Nice to see another Veedubbar, my dad is famous within the Volkswagen Drag Racing community, for his enginerical inventions, one of which being some kind of fuel injection on a beetle which I could tell you nothing about as I am only a wee nipper

I don't think I would bother in making an LFS car look like a VW, the closest we can get is the FZ being a Porsche, and to be honest, VW's are too hard to replicate.
Quote from flymike91 :do you mean a xfg with fake lights? I don't know thats possible. you could put the VW logos on the car yourself with paint or photoshop tho.

I made an XFG Golf Gti skin. looks like crap but if you want I can post my work so far.
Post it Zach.
this is all I have. I don't even have a .PSD just a jpeg. untested ingame.
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I find this post and i am asking SOMEONE to make a skin For XRT - XRG as a Corrado Volkswagen
is there a chance of making one ?
Hi there i have made a corrado skin (as a road car )
Attached images

XRG or XRT as VW Corrado??
(13 posts, started )