hehehehe again i agree with part of that....
lewis is fast yes but the media have made him out to be some kind of god and its wrong, the only thing hamilton has done here is be bloomin stupid when it comes to the MEDIA, has he done extreamly well in his rookie year?? i dont think anyone can disagree there, im not botherd what team or car he has done awsome!, BUT!!!! putting him against the like's of MS and most of all SENNA! i mean ok the kids done well but hamilton wont show if he has better pedigre in racing than the like of senna and MS for a LONG time yet so i wish the frigin media would stop this BS, they do this with every sportman that does well, they make em into a god and destroy em, i know if i was lewis i would want as little to do with these clowns as possible they will destroy him if he dont learn and QUICK, take a leaf outa KIMI's book...
ive always thought kimi was the fastest guy for some time with the right car he just hasent been very lucky imo, begining of this season he struggled but overcome this midway and im pleased for him because keep being held back by one thing or another he's never really had the chance to show what he can do, alonso has got to be the luckyest guy on the plannet imo LOL, i think now kimi has his WC now next season if he has a car thats racable i think we are gona see somthing special, alonso?? well this season he naffed it up big time its gona take him next season atleast before he is ready to go for the WC again imo..
i also agree with the past f1 BIG MOMENTS, again the media bigging up this hamilton thing, i think lewis is grate, but again (yes i hate the media LOL) the media make me sick, all season i may as well have been watching 3 sometimes 4 drivers race, race buildup is a farce, listening to them 2 tell me how grate lewis is is not my idea of a race build up, if ya gona do that make a friggin documentry on the man then i can choose to watch or not, but i wana know how how the midfield is doing, as i said LOADS of new tallent this year, shame we havent seen em, only time we do is when there's contact or an off

the whle lewis story i dont agree on so mutch, yes i agree it takes a lot of support and extra money to be competative in karting, but one thing is that he KNOWS he is where is is becasue of his dad, thats a heII of a lot more than mr alonso will admit to (i did it all alone man {jerk})...
again we have to take into acount how lucky lewis has been, most folks nock him for that (thanking that guy thanking this guy, team bla bla bla) but you dont get that very often in our day, but he HAS been VERY lucky! he was sponsoured by mclarean VERY early on, thats him basicly sorted upto F1, all he had to do was keep showing he had the tallent and keep winning, not many F1 drivers can say that they have had tat kind off backing from such a early age, fast forward a tad to F1 he gets a seat in one of the fastest cars on the track, again not many (virtualy never happens) f1 drivers have had this luxury... so THATS why lewis has had sutch a start in f1 and everyone is talking about him, if he HAD landed a seat at spyker we wouldnt be talking about this now cus yea he would be doing well but would all the media be pitting him against the likes of MS and SENNA (grrrrrrr) because he is looking good for the WC in his rooki season???? nope....
all im saying is there are 3 types of fans IMO
1. hamilton is the best thing to sit in between 4 wheels
2. hamilton is quick tallented young and lucky but (as of yet) not senna material..
and 3rd. lewis is a jerk slimy arrogent pip-squeek..
those in class 1. need there heads testing and need to look at the bigger picture
those in class 3. again bigger picture (but not nutts

people carnt be in the middle here, like marmite

love him hate him lol, 2 sides to the story here but classes 1 and 3 refuse to look at the other side...
1. the kids had a string off breaks that have lifted him to where he is, weather that be a supporting farther, or mclarean taking him while he was near still in nappies, he's been VERY lucky
2.the kids got tallent in a race car, he's bloomin quick..
put em together you get a class 2 badge

.... hes quick but lucky, time will tell if he is MS/SENNA material..
finaly the media have already started killing him, lewis this lewis that, im british would i have liked him to win hhhhhmmmm the patriotic side of me (not a lot there really) says yes, but for f1 AND for lewis as a driver ??? NO i think it went to the right driver imo....
its pretty simple really he did well got a few wins/podiums awsome way to go but the media blow it all out of proportion.. i like him but if i hear that guys name one more time im gona crack!!!!

this season shouldnt have been called F1 instead it should have been "go lewis go", again TIME WILL TELL if he is MS/SENNA material not the blasted MEDIA