Clubman Classic 2
The AAL is pleased to announce the next fun race on the AAL calendar!

Clubman Classic 2

This 3 hour race will be a test of endurance and teamwork as teams of 3 drivers pilot 2 different cars (an LX4 and LX6) around the Aston Club circuit. The team with the most laps across both cars will be declared LX masters!

The short Aston track will be a handful over 3hours and will provide many laps of close racing and overtaking opportunities - between classes!

Race details:
Date: Wed Nov 7
Track: Aston Club
Cars: 1x LX4 + 1x LX6 per team
Drivers: 3 drivers per team
Race Format: 3 hour timed, each driver must drive both cars

Signups will be via the AAL page as per normal. Expect it to be updated to allow entries over the weekend :yes:

Please head over to our website to sign-up, as well as visit our official forum over at A.R.S.E if you have any questions.

This league if only run for those racers who live within the AustralAsian Region.