The online racing simulator

Poll : Are you interested in racing in the LFS **GP** series

No, if no, please state any reason below
Yes, I would be very interested in participating
LFS **GP** series, gauging interest
I am toying with the idea of running a GP series league after the RSWC and before RSSC3.

But before I get into it, I would like to gauge possible interest, it seems that leagues and organised events of late don't get a great deal of interest for some reason .

Basically, it will be a 6 bi-weekly event series, running the BF1 at various LFS tracks, race lengths of between 45mins-60mins, obviously with a pitstop.

I also plan to try and broadcast each race in some way, provide race reports, some may remember the race reports from the first season of the RSSC, and hopefully get SRT to provide full coverage of each event.

So basically, are you (properly) interested?, is it a viable league proposition?.

@Mods and anyone else who thinks this.........
Yes, I know this isnt the league forum, but this forum gets the most traffic and I would like as much response as possible, so please, humour me

Thanks all
I am interested. In fact, i love the BF1. I seem to drive it better than the other cars O_o. Plus, im getting my wheel tomorrow (finally).
I have grown to like the BF1 (after me saying many times it was a waste to add it to LFS LOL), after the last week practicing and racing in the one off BF1 event.

It's the sort of car where you can be off the pace, but still place highly if you drive a clean and consistant race, a lot of fun.
Can u name some tracks that will be used? I could use plenty of practise on my new wheel.

Blackwood GP (maybe Rev)
South City long
Westhill int
Kyoto GP long
Aston GP
Fern bay black
Aww i just hate the BF1 on any SO track. Luckily I've been practicing on AS Historic, Westhill and KY GP. Whew.
#7 - Bean0
*Tentatively raises hand*
*shoots hand right up*

Grrr... BF1 is a curse I tell ya!
Curse? Why?
a) it's already started

b) it finishes before I want this one to start
#12 - Nobo
will wait for OWRL F1 to start off again next year.
LOTA was thinking about doing a 4-race mini-league, but we were having a hard time thinking up 4 tracks the car is decent on. No one was going for FE Black.
#14 - axus
Just a tip, Dan: from my experience, it's best to separate events by at least 2 or 3 weeks. If the season is longish, have a 4 week break in the middle or something. It works out much better.
A little 6 race championship sounds very appealing, it would depend on time of course. I'm certainly intrested in racing the BF1 some more the problem is just finding the time
Quote from axus :Just a tip, Dan: from my experience, it's best to separate events by at least 2 or 3 weeks. If the season is longish, have a 4 week break in the middle or something. It works out much better.

All the leagues I run are bi-weekly leagues, I think this "spacing" works quite well.
Wouldlove to participate but im to slow i need verry much training so wont be any gp for me
I would be intrested in blackwood (love that combo)
Kyoto and aston

Dont know if i could do 60 mins though maybe 35-40
i would like to join. But my schedule might not let me.
I would be very interested, but I don't have much experience with the BF1. I would certainly try to watch the broadcasts.
I just don't like teh BF1 enough to be able to drive it for 45mins.... It is too easy, and for that reason, it is 1000Xtimes hard to find the time you are losing, when you can take so many corners with full throttle.
I've grown to dislike the BF1... it is terrible for a league.

You need cars that get more into the thick of the action. Basically everything from FO8 and below .

To be honest, and as whacky as it seems... the MRT5 on small short/sprint tracks (not autocross ones) running sprint races would be my next ideal league to join simply because they are like a uber fun Formula Ford style kind of racing. They are slow, easy to bang wheels with and you can fit a lot of them in tight spaces . With the right setups, it is a really stable car too.
Actually, Tweaker, you have a great point, I would LOVE to see an MRT circuit racing league... How awesome would that be... They top out at 110/120mph too, so you would be able to get awesome slipstreams, and the difference in lines on corners would be epic!

#24 - Vain
Quote from Tweaker :They are slow, easy to bang wheels with and you can fit a lot of them in tight spaces . With the right setups, it is a really stable car too.

You just described the LX4.
The MRT is very difficult to drive due to the excessively short wheelbase. The LX4 is a lot more stable and less prone to uncorrectable lift-off oversteer. Both cars are rediculously bad without a proper set, but with a good set I think the LX4 yields more action per minute of practice.

I voted against the BF1 series. The car requires a lot (!!!) of practice until you can stay flat on the limit for 30 minutes straight. I'm sure we could get some awesome races if we all practiced for several hours for each event, and by season 2 we might be able to have actual wheel-to-wheel fights, but there are easier ways to get there.

It's all food for thought...........