First off, sorry about the quality of the pictures, the only means of pics was from my mobile.
The Packaging:

As you can see from the picture, it comes in a rather attractive cardboard box, good idea I think as it saves costs and time.

Inside was this, again well rapped and taped to make sure it gets here safely. Another job for the scissors. They are also very lightweight and compacted to keep the postage costs down.
In the rapping is this:

3 extra springs free. So if you ever snap one, you can replace them and not have to get 1 shipped all the way from New Zealand and pay all the diffrent costs invovled.

The game port plug that is used by the pedals. There is a choice before you buy, weather you want the games port plug or USB. My advice would be to go for the Usb as the game port can be a bit jumpy at times. But if you do decide to go for the game port connection and later decide you want to go to USB, you can always purchase a gameport to USB adapter.
Another added extra is the amount of cable that comes with the pedals which is a big bonus if you wish to use them in a cockpit away from your computer.

Here are the pedals all set-up. To set them up is not hard at all, just a matter of flipping down two support legs, screw them up and plug it in. There is also 2 holes for the legs for different angles which are down to you personal preference.
How the pedals feel under the foot:
They feel nice and solid and reassurance of pedals that could last without having to keep on buying replacements. The throttle and clutch pedal has a nice smooth travel with a nice amount of resistence. The brake pedal feels great under foot, especially when you get to the spring, that’s when you can really get your braking perfect.
Nice Solid feel
Easy to setup
A solid back plate that will take any pressure you put on it.
Nigel Nichols is a great bloke that makes them and offers a lot of support.
The brake spring takes quite a bit of effort to get to the max point
A bit loud when you get carried away with all the metal hitting metal
Overall I would give it a 9 out of 10. The whole system feels great and works very well. Very well made
Everything about the pedals and the ‘maker’ can be found here: