Tyres deflating
(65 posts, started )
Tyres deflating
Hello i have a small question, a friend recently installed LFS on his pc... When he starts the training sessions, with the XFG, as soon as the count down timer starts, his left front and left rear tyre's deflate, as if they were popped.

Same thing happens to the XRT, when he is in garage, his right front and rear tyres pop, instantly (within 2 seconds of loading)... What could it be.... see attached image.

Attached images
Maybe your wheels are bent... did he fly over any curbs lately? :P

...very oddd, never heard of that happening before.
it can happen at speed, but never heard or it happening at a stop.
low tires presses? flat tires?
In lfs the car is not 100% spawning on the ground. It drops from 2 or 3 cm from the air.
Yea, but seeing as LFS is a car SIM, I doubt that 3 cm drop is deflating his tires...

...unless its landing on caltrops or something.
Looks like a bug to me, I've never had that happen.
Thats what im saying its a BUG.... all posts here, are irelevant to the situation.... Does it seem like blackwood carpark, or pits garage, have caltorps, or spikes, needles etc etc... to puncture tires?

He starts race, and his left or right side tyres deflate instantly.
does it have any effect when racing?

if yes why not reinstall LFS then?
Yes, it does affect racing, tyres get deflated... (they puncture) try racing with 2 flats. He tried doing that... no use, it still happens
What does the F9 view show during the few seconds they stay inflated?
That's kinda funny...
Does it happen in hotlapping/online mode too?
Does he get kicked from servers?
Is he running some program that can modify the memory (like a trainer)?
I'm starting to wonder if maybe that drop IS doing something funny. Perhaps something is causing the car to overload the wheels on the left side? Like maybe something just got screwed up and the left side of the car happens to weigh 20,000 lbs? Check the suspension view also and see what happens prior to the "deflation."
Tyres can only pop (in LFS) from overheating or excess wear. Excess load will just crush them flat.

...well that's not very realistic is it, lol. Yet another thing on the list of future features.
Explain how u can pop a tyre with excess load, in LFS(or even in real life).... i mean, lets be honest, the race cars have weight taken off, not put on.

in f9 view, it shows the tyres as being punctured.
No, I mean *before* they are punctured... please let your friend make a screenshot before and after the tyres deflate.
Quote from Razvan :Explain how u can pop a tyre with excess load, in LFS(or even in real life).... i mean, lets be honest, the race cars have weight taken off, not put on.


***images of rally cars driving through potholes and over curbs and through debris and into the trees pops into mind***

...no idea.
I'm happy I have not this problem.
Aparently the problem fixed itself, he cannot reproduce it, and all is fine now... out of the blue :| very wierd though, it was funny i was racing with him, and of the grid, he would have flats
HEHEHE, pwnage
Maybe if he used patch X it would be fixed too.

Shot's are not from Patch X
Wasn't there a thread about this not too long ago? Anyway, please post a screenshot of the F9 tyre view before and after the tyres puncture.

Tbh, I fear this is a hardware problem. Either you have your CPU overclocked (or it's broken) and it's doing funny things, or you have a faulty RAM module which stores/returns wrong values for certain tyre properties, like maybe tread thickness, tyre air temperature or the wear coefficient could be ridiculously high causing your tyres to wear down almost instantly. Whatever it is, I'm pretty sure the fault is somewhere in your hardware
Wich version of LFS do you own? Cuz im wondering about the 120bhp of the XFG. O_o
cant be the latest.
cuz u then would have the restriction options (intake, weight), which u dont have.
X10 is the latest.
then get it from a different mirror, since 0.5P isnt X
might be wrong labeled.

Tyres deflating
(65 posts, started )