I dont know how to do that the insim , but i have a cool ideas for create a server with insim and a layout
The basicaly idea is (i dont see any server Cruise whit this)
More fast you run or drive , more money earn
And more fun for coops
The track for create the layout is kyoto Gp Long or aston Gran touring
Whit cars prices and stuff like that
If someon is interesting in this crazy idea , plz pm me to cordinate time and days to dev this thing
My msn is [email protected]
Sorry for my bad english
The basicaly idea is (i dont see any server Cruise whit this)
More fast you run or drive , more money earn
And more fun for coops

The track for create the layout is kyoto Gp Long or aston Gran touring
Whit cars prices and stuff like that
If someon is interesting in this crazy idea , plz pm me to cordinate time and days to dev this thing
My msn is [email protected]
Sorry for my bad english