The online racing simulator
Absolute beginners racing league starting 25 nov 2007 seeking dutchspeaking drivers
Absolute beginners racing league (DEMO)

Hello we are a new racing league especially for beginners. We will start at sunday 25 nov 2007.
We want to keep this a dutch speaking league only. (that communicates easier)
Go here for more information:

and sign up!!
Why 3 cars? The XRT is not equal to the other cars.
This is to give new drivers a change to learn to drive. The slowest car has frontwheeldrive (XRF?) , this car stays better on the track.
Of course during the race it would be wiser to choose the XRT.
#4 - J@tko
Quote from Starbert :This is to give new drivers a change to learn to drive. The slowest car has frontwheeldrive (XRF?) , this car stays better on the track.
Of course during the race it would be wiser to choose the XRT.

You mean the XFG.
yes you are right XFG
but wouldnt it be better to have all the cars equal? as in just have XFG vs XRG or just XRT?
That is what i meant. Why not only XFG & XRG? Then you have equal cars (one frontwheeldrive and one rearwheeldrive). If you accept XRT there is no choice because you can only drive competitive in XRT.
but for the ones who cant drive with the XRT there is the XFG then and for the faster ones is the XRT couse i dont wanna drive blackwood withe the XFG


i think all the cars is better...
But the ones who can't drive the XRT will still take it and cause crashes.

Naturally, almost everyone takes the fastest car.