The online racing simulator
#1 - Renku
LX racing - every Wednesday at 'Volvolandia LX'
For some time, there's been organized LX races on Wednesday evenings. It's basically for everyone with no signup needed. Twice people have confused it to be a cruising server, because there is 'Volvo' in the server name, but racing it what to expect. Although there hasn't been many racers every time (biggest grid was 16 I think), close racing is guaranteed. It doesn't matter how fast or slow you are - there is always someone to 'race with'. An event lasts about 2h and is divided into two 1h sessions: 3-4 shorter races in the first and 2 longer races in the second session. Since today is Wednesday - there is another race:

Week 47 LX event:

Date - Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Server - Volvolandia LX
Start time - 18:30 UTC
Car - LX4
Track - Blackwood GP (BL1)

18:30 UTC - Qualification - 10 minutes
Race - 7 laps
Race - 7 laps
Race - 7 laps
***Break until 19:30 UTC***
19:30 UTC - Qualification - 10 minutes
Race - 15 laps
Race - 15 laps

Reverse grid will be used.

A big Thank You to JTbo, who started all this with his There is perfectly good LX servers, but where are LX'ers? thread and also provides the server.

Events so far:
19.09.2007 LX4 SO4R
26.09.2007 LX6 BL1R
17.10.2007 LX4 AS1
24.10.2007 LX4 KY2
31.10.2007 LX6 AS3R
07.11.2007 LX4 FE3
14.11.2007 LX4+LX6 AS4
21.11.2007 LX4 BL1
28.11.2007 LX6 FE4R
05.12.2007 LX6 AS2R
12.12.2007 LX4+LX6 SO6
19.12.2007 LX4 SO6R
#2 - Renku
Week 48 LX event:

Date - Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Server - Volvolandia LX
Start time - 18:30 UTC
Car - LX6
Track - Fern Bay Black Reversed (FE4R)

18:30 UTC - Qualification - 10 minutes
Race - 4 laps
Race - 4 laps
Race - 4 laps
***Break until 19:30 UTC***
19:30 UTC - Qualification - 10 minutes
Race - 8 laps
Race - 8 laps

Reverse grid will be used.
#3 - Sm0k3
Volvolandia is a Finnish Volvo forum. Thats where the server got it's name
Quote from Renku :Week 48 LX event:

Date - Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Server - Volvolandia LX
Start time - 18:30 UTC
Car - LX6
Track - Fern Bay Black Reversed (FE4R)

18:30 UTC - Qualification - 10 minutes
Race - 4 laps
Race - 4 laps
Race - 4 laps
***Break until 19:30 UTC***
19:30 UTC - Qualification - 10 minutes
Race - 8 laps
Race - 8 laps

Reverse grid will be used.

Awesome combo
#5 - Renku
Week 49 LX event:

Date - Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Server - Volvolandia LX
Start time - 18:30 UTC
Car - LX6
Track - Aston Club Reversed (AS2R)

18:30 UTC - Qualification - 10 minutes
Race - 8 laps
Race - 8 laps
Race - 8 laps
Qualification - 10 minutes
Race - 17 laps
Race - 17 laps

Reverse grid will be used.
#6 - troy
i guess i cant make it tonight yesterday my usb wlan stick decided to stop working today i bought a new pci wlan adapter and it doesn't seem to like my pc, works 20min then disconnect i find no more networks and the system gets unstable. wish me luck and im back next week hopefully

edit: to clarify im online with the old notebook of my gf atm ^^
#7 - Renku
Week 50 LX event:

Date - Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Server - Volvolandia LX
Start time - 18:30 UTC
Cars - LX4+LX6
Track - South City Chicane Route (SO6)

18:30 UTC - Qualification - 10 minutes
Race - 8 laps
Race - 8 laps
Race - 8 laps
Qualification - 10 minutes
Race - 16 laps
Race - 16 laps

Reverse grid will be used.
Patch X30 will be used!

Edited @ 18:00 UTC, 12.12.2007.
Quote from Renku :Patch X10 will be used

I thought it would be great to try out the new patch with the old LX's...
#9 - troy
Quote from DaveWS : I thought it would be great to try out the new patch with the old LX's...

ye i also think we could attract some more racers with that testpatch hype
Does anyone of you have a spare X30 server, so we could try the testpatch?
cP Gaming 1.
#12 - troy
nice one so just to get a confirmation we're on cP1 today? if so maybe a short message in the server welcome screen of volvolandia would be nice.
Thanks for the offer DaveWS, but it seems our regular server is nicely patched up, so we will use Volvolandia LX server again. Sorry for short notice/messup.
Sorry I couldn't make it today guys, been very busy.
(Mazz4200) DELETED by Mazz4200
(Mazz4200) DELETED by Mazz4200
This weeks event will be the last of the year from me. The server will be there, users can select tracks etc, this thread is open - everyone can organize a race. I won't object .

Week 51 LX event:

Date - Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Server - Volvolandia LX
Start time - 18:30 UTC
Car - LX4
Track - South City Chicane Route Reversed (SO6R)

18:30 UTC - Qualification - 10 minutes
Race - 6 laps
Race - 6 laps
Race - 6 laps
Qualification - 10 minutes
Race - 14 laps
Race - 14 laps

Reverse grid will be used.
Patch X30 or newer required!
Thanks for hosting this once again Renku.

It was great to see the really quick guys in there.

Lets hope this will continue in the New Year.

Incidentally i went into the server tonight hoping to get some good action for a vid i'm planning so i saved the replays (hopefully) from every race. So it was a bit of good fortune the various names showed up. If anyone wants them i'll post em here in a bit.

Edit 2 Just had a quick check of the replays and they all seem ok except for the 1st half a lap of race 1 (on account of me just arriving)
Got to say there's some damn good action there, real close racing. (Will post the last 2 races below.)
Attached files
LX4race1.mpr - 1.1 MB - 390 views
LX4race2.mpr - 1.8 MB - 440 views
LX4race3.mpr - 1.7 MB - 362 views
LX4race4.mpr - 1.6 MB - 348 views
And here's the last two. (think i'll go and have a close look at MR Bawbag and try to work out how the hell he can drive that quick)

Hmmm, for some reason it won't upload race 5, dunno why ? will look into it...
Attached files
LX4race6.mpr - 1.6 MB - 409 views
#19 - troy
just a wild guess from my side: is the replay bigger then 1.95mb? if so the forum wont allow you to upload, try to zip it and give it another go
Ahhh never thought of checking.........Yeah it's the first of the 14 lap races so it's 2.5mb, but linux can only get it down to 2.1. i'll have a go with winXP and winrar in the morning.

p.s didn't realise you were so quick Troy, you had a few good close races with erm that other guy....something liner ?? (sorry i'm really bad with names)
#21 - troy
happy new year lx racers since renku is still partying somewhere (i guess :razz and i miss my weekly lx racing, i thought we can have a new year get together on volvolandia tomorrow, anybody with me?

we would use the same system renku used so far, 3 short races 2 longer ones. i thought about something like westhill reverse with lx6, i used to have great races there back when 32 car grids where introduced in the W test patches. of course i would be open for other combos as well, just wanted to propose something since i'm already posting here.

if anybody is interested i will be there tomorrow 18.30 utc

greetings from switzerland
#22 - troy
sry, i turned up a bit too late, girlfriend just came home with a new pc chair ^^

but i would be online now
#23 - JTbo
Server is there, but there is need for someone that would organize events as Renku did message quite some time ago that he can't continue.

So who will stand up?
Quote from JTbo :So who will stand up?

I would, if i could, but i can't but that's another story

Right now i couldn't commit to a regular time every week, maybe in a month or so, but not now.

If you changed it to weekends couldn't you do it JT ?
#25 - JTbo
Quote from Mazz4200 :I would, if i could, but i can't but that's another story

Right now i couldn't commit to a regular time every week, maybe in a month or so, but not now.

If you changed it to weekends couldn't you do it JT ?

Not much of luck, I leave at Sunday mornings and at best come home at Friday evenings, probably more like Saturday mornings, so there is not much time to do preparations for next week, but certainly not time for any hobbies.