How to setup Nvidia 7300GS
(6 posts, started )
How to setup Nvidia 7300GS
Yeah I know it's a crappy card. But nevertheless, if someone also uses this model, I'd be glad to hear how to set it up for LFS to get the most out of it.

#2 - Jakg
Turn up the options 'till it bleeds is all i can say.

I would do my guide, and just not add any AA.

Do you have enough FPS at the moment or not?
yeah, enough FPS (around 60) at the moment. the thing is: when I turn on AA and AF, it LOOKS crappy, I think. ok, the FPS drop to about 20 too, which isn't a nice side effect.
#4 - Jakg
Could you give som screenshots please?

The 7300GS isn't very good at all, so i can't really recommend you crank the AA up, what i'd say is try 8xAF, setting the drivers to High Quality, and some new textures, and if you have any "spare" FPS try 2xAA.
#5 - Mc21
Urgh, I had a 7300gs.. Worst card i've owned!
Well I've got a 7100GS and it runs pretty smoothly with everything jacked up in LFS barring the dynamic LOD reduction set to 0.20.

I then add 2x Anisotropic Filtering and leave Antialiasing to application control on nvidia control panel.

Tend to get 60-70 fps when hotlapping and down to 25 fps on a full grid.

How to setup Nvidia 7300GS
(6 posts, started )