Latvian translation
(39 posts, started )
Latvian translation
The new one patch Y is coming, so i am trying to finish latvian LFS translation.

I have done translation in game, but havent finished training lessons and help files. Those will be done after some days.

Until i'am trying to finish, you can try ingame translation and check aren't there any bugs.

/EDIT 06/12/07 My translation was for X patch, but yesterday I found that Y patch english translation file is relased, so i updated translation. It's possible, that there will be some bugs, because, i havent seen translated text for Y patch in LFS and can't be sure, that it's having correct case ending

Help file translation coming soon
Attached files
Latvian.txt - 50 KB - 950 views
If you can get some people to check this, and a few people agree that it is a good translation, we could add it to our online translation system, that makes it easy to see when new translation strings are added.
#3 - okjis
I've checked it, everyting is how it should to be.
Translation is good. Everything is clear.
Haven't seen any mistake.
Ferroc, would you like us to add it to our system?

We don't need the training lessons, the only thing we do need in addition to the main file is some parts of the help.txt translated. The sections \agreement and \demo_warning are most important in the help file.
Ok, here is help file
\agreement and \demo_warning Sections are translated. I'll translate all help file, but it looks, that I could do it only after Christmas, because I am not having enough time.

Oh, and isnt there included new words in X32 that i should translate?
Attached files
help.txt - 12.2 KB - 568 views
Big, big thanks Ferroc!
Hi Ferroc. We've added your translation to the online system.

I've sent you an email explaining the system.

Anyway, do let me know if you didn't get my email.

And I included it in the test patch X35. Hope it's all going well.

If you are happy with it, all there is left to do is to add your name to the Credits Screen and also add it into LFS.exe as a default language so it starts up in Latvian if the computer is Latvian.
What can I add, except good job and keep it up
Looks nice, still few things to update, but no matter what this is fantastic update for latvian racers, thanks Scawen and Ferroc
Nice one!
I found a few mistakes:
first - its easy to find mistake
second one - "nummura zīme"
third one - i think, there should be "braucēja skats", and not "braucējas skats" ))
Attached images
Thanks, i fixed them

P.S Ja atrodat, kādas kļūdas, rakstiet man droši uz PM
Hallo! Today found this link: ... n_viewer.php?lang=Latvian ,checked out it and found some mistakes (most likely typos):

Under training lessions:
3g_exce_spd - You exceeded the pit lane speed limit / -Tu pārsneidzi ātruma ierobežojumu boksos (should be "pārsniedzi")
3g_stndrd_x For this lesson, your standard is : %s / Priekš primās stundas, tavs standarts ir : %s (should be "pirmās")

Under Race setup screen:
3a_carnotfd Driver's car not found / Spelētaja auto nav atrasts (correct - "Spēlētāja")
3h_gridload Select start grid to load / Izvēlies starta pozīciju, kuro ielādēt (correct - "kuru")

Under Garage / pits screen:
3a_namencol Enter name of new colours / Ievadi nosaukumu jaunajām krāsam (correct - "krāsām")

Under Autocross editor (SHIFT + U mode):
3h_ob_markr markers / shown as untranslated,translation: "atzīmes"

Under Start new host screen:
3a_onecarrq At least one car model must be allowed / Vizmaz vienam auto jābūt atļautam (correct word is "vismaz")
3h_fcockpit Force cockpit view : / Dinamiskaš kabīnes skats : (don't know,what is that meant - word is wrong spelled,and meaning would be "dinamic". Correct translation should be "Piespiedu kabīnes skats" which would mean "forced cockpit view")
3a_uplavail Available upload %.1f KB/sec / Pieejamais iploud %.1f KB/sec (well,I guess,it's visible where the mistake is,but uploud isn't really a latvian word,it's just latvian spelled "upload")

Under Unlocking screen:
3g_locktext Lock LFS (return to DEMO) / Slēgts LFS (atgriezties DEMO) (no need for that "s" letter there - Slēgts means locked,but slēgt - [to] lock)

Under Bans and ban editor:
3a_user_ban Enter user name to ban / Ievadi vārdu, kuro banot (another typo,should be "kuru")

Under Car information and settings:
3h_setup_ch Setup changes requested / Pieparsītas setupa izmaiņas (correct word "Pieprasītas")

Under Live settings:
3g_l_pr_psi PRESSURE %.1f psi [%+.1f psi] / SPEIDIENS %.1f psi [%+.1f psi] (typo,correct - "SPIEDIENS")

Under Multiplayer system:
3a_w_rd_rly ^6Warning : Road tyres on rallycross track / ^6Uzmanību : asvalta riepas uz rallijkrosa trases
3a_w_rly_rd ^6Warning : Rallycross tyres on road track / ^6Uzmanību : rallijkrosa riepas uz asvalta (for both - wrong spelled word,correct - "asfalta")
3g_xwantuto %s^8 wants you to take over / %s^8 grip tevi pārņemt (this one I've noticed for a while,made some good loughs too,because the meaning is something almost like "flu takes over" ,correct - "grib")

Under General text:
3a_agre_lfs Agreement / Piekrisšana (no need for the "s" letter there,correct - "Piekrišana")

Under Miscellaneous text:
3d_outnoply Output : Could not find car's driver / Output : Nevarauto vadītāju (missing word,correct - "Nevar atrast auto vadītāju")

Well,it's a little messy,but pointed out for some mistakes. Also some words aren't really correct latvian,just spelled in latvian from english,maybe should be translated,not sure it's necessary.
I had a quick look and I noticed a couple more mistakes too.

This one is just empty (no text in the translated text)
3h_bezelcom Bezel compensation %.1f%% :

Some of them are just English (not translated)
3h_extvass3 / 3g_shftffjo / 3h_box_semi / 3h_seq_hpat

Ferroc : Would you mind if Eclipsed had access to the translation system? Normally more than one person is assigned to a translation - it can be quite helpful.

Eclipsed : If Ferroc is ok with that, would you like access to the system, so you can edit it, and add a few lines in test patching times?
Well,I could do whatever I'm able to. If I can't find correct translation for some terms,I'll try to contact somebody,who can. For example - I'm not sure,what is actually ment with "Bezel compensation" ,but I'll do my best if it will be needed.
Sorted out those mistakes,found some other mistakes and translated some other strings. If some latvians are feeling fancy to check for other mistakes or have suggestions for better translations or yet untranslated strings - give a shout!
Thanks very much for your help!

I can't really comment on Latvian, of course, but I noticed something, if I visit the public page : ... n_viewer.php?lang=Latvian

If I scroll down looking for yellow lines, I think there are some untranslated lines there that would be nice if they were translated. Sometimes it's not very clear what a line means on that page, out of context, but do just ask me if you want any explanation.
It's less problem to understand meaning,but to find correct translation in our language. For some terms seems there's a need for some specific education. Some terms just doesn't have appropriate translation. Some are used same as in english - like key names and unit values (km/h,bar,Hz). Some words just happen to be same as english - licence,distance,info etc. Tyre types - only few could be somehow translated (there is no word for "slick" in latvian,using same word here), I think original english describes better. And track names should be touched,right? Would sound very weird if translated.

But here are strings I need some help for:
Assuming 3-screen setup for external views - how it's actually ment?
ff stick - what is that?
3g_x_x_mile %s : %.1f mile - I can only translate correctly if I now the sence - how it's used in a full sentence.

And yesterday I started to translate in-game help,done half of that,will finish that in few days for sure.
Quote from Eclipsed :Assuming 3-screen setup for external views - how it's actually ment?

It's to do with the multiple screen support. If you go into View Options and you drag your window very wide but not high (e.g. a 4:1 ratio), then LFS thinks you have a 3-screen setup and confines the interface to the middle part of the screen only. So far so good, you still don't see that message... but if you then set LFS to have, for example, 4 right screens instead of 1, you are telling LFS that you don't have a 3 screen setup, but there is a problem with external views then, so LFS has to make a decision - you should see a message "Not wide enough for true 6-screen setup" and "Assuming 3-screen setup for external views".

So what it means is "LFS will display the external views as if you had a 3-screen setup"

Quote from Eclipsed :ff stick - what is that?

That is just some unused text for a proposed hardware device, the force feedback shifter.

Quote from Eclipsed :3g_x_x_mile %s : %.1f mile - I can only translate correctly if I now the sence - how it's used in a full sentence.

This is for the track selection screen - I think in this case you can just translate the word "mile" (the distance measurement). x_x_mile or x_mile_x are used on the track selection screen if the user selected mph instead of km/h. But which one is used depends if it is a noun-first (na) or adjective-first language (an). It looks like Latvian is set to adjective first (an) like English, so in fact you don't display x_x_mile (circuit 4.1 mile) and you only use x_mile_x (4.1 mile circuit).

Quote from Eclipsed :And yesterday I started to translate in-game help,done half of that,will finish that in few days for sure.

Thank you!
Quote from Scawen :It's to do with the multiple screen support. If you go into View Options and you drag your window very wide but not high (e.g. a 4:1 ratio), then LFS thinks you have a 3-screen setup and confines the interface to the middle part of the screen only. So far so good, you still don't see that message... but if you then set LFS to have, for example, 4 right screens instead of 1, you are telling LFS that you don't have a 3 screen setup, but there is a problem with external views then, so LFS has to make a decision - you should see a message "Not wide enough for true 6-screen setup" and "Assuming 3-screen setup for external views".

So what it means is "LFS will display the external views as if you had a 3-screen setup"

That is just some unused text for a proposed hardware device, the force feedback shifter.

This is for the track selection screen - I think in this case you can just translate the word "mile" (the distance measurement). x_x_mile or x_mile_x are used on the track selection screen if the user selected mph instead of km/h. But which one is used depends if it is a noun-first (na) or adjective-first language (an). It looks like Latvian is set to adjective first (an) like English, so in fact you don't display x_x_mile (circuit 4.1 mile) and you only use x_mile_x (4.1 mile circuit).

Thank you!

Norwegian translations needed?

Latvian translation
(39 posts, started )