The online racing simulator
Hello, since X33 ive a problem with the performance.

Its not a FPS Problem, no it seems like LFS is loading something in different timeshifts.

The Problem:

I drove about 20 different races since X33 i think, and in 10 of them i had big Problems with LFS. My FPS count goes down to 1 - 0,2 frames per secound for about 10 seconds. I cant do anything against it. Of course i cant hold the Car on track and loose control!
Its at different places on the Track and in Laps. I dont know what it could be. A restart doesnt help!

My minimum sleep is at 2 secounds
and normaly i ve about 50 Frames... With a full grid 20 Frames.

Edit: It seems like its just happening, when im driving on my own... In specator mode i didnt recognize this problem

Could somebody help me?
Quote from Cue-Ball :If it's really a 4 axis joystick, then what's the problem? You have one axis for steering, one for brake, one for gas, and that still leaves one left over.

The twist axis and throttle slider axis are not great in terms of travel or smoothness. I'm asking whether having a button AND an axis for a single control could be possible (as I'm sure it used to be) not for someone to condescendingly shove options that I've already considered up my nose.
Quote from Resound :The twist axis and throttle slider axis are not great in terms of travel or smoothness. I'm asking whether having a button AND an axis for a single control could be possible

That was not clear from your initial post. It sounded like you didn't want to use a button and you also didn't have a free axis to use.

You could probably get a wheel or an analog gamepad very cheaply. Xbox controllers seem to work fairly well, and they're very affordable. Would that be a simpler solution?
changing gfx settings online while on track disconnects and maybe causes other unpredictable stuff. texture size & compression were the ones that got me disconnected.
Quote from Resound :The twist axis and throttle slider axis are not great in terms of travel or smoothness. I'm asking whether having a button AND an axis for a single control could be possible (as I'm sure it used to be) not for someone to condescendingly shove options that I've already considered up my nose.

Unless i've misunderstood it sounds like you need Joytokey

If you use it to bind both an axis and a button to a particular key press, then tell LFS that that key press is the throttle for example it should work ok. Not entirely sure how precise the axis will be ? but it's worth a shot.

p.s sorry for off topic Scawen/mods
Quote from kompa :changing gfx settings online while on track disconnects and maybe causes other unpredictable stuff. texture size & compression were the ones that got me disconnected.

That's always been an issue for me since I've owned LFS, but I dont think we can expect that to be fixed, I'm not. Your computer probably prioritizes changing the gfx settings, so it times out. IMO you should really have your graphics options sorted before joining a multiplayer server. Akin to having controllers/wheels setup and drivers installed before joining. If your trying to tweak settings to get the best FPS, then you might have to deal with it timing out. Once you got it set right, it wont happen again.
i got this messages today, they repeated like hell...
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well, i gave x36 a quick task, went to single player, put 20 AIs in BF1 on the oval and let them race for 3 laps, all on one of my setups and (obviously) skins. pitstop mandatory. all fine, they pitted in lap 1, but braked/broke(?) too late and it seemed like every single one of them got a 30seconds penalty. fine, maybe they´d do better on their own set, but

the actual problem i want to report occured 2 laps later, when they finished the race:

noone ever won the race. the cars "finished", but the questionmarks in the race results list where the position should appear remained. i tried it 3 times, one time there was even a car without penalty, still only a question mark, no position.

upload of spr just failed, was too big (3MB)...

So i tried the same again with less cars, and this time there IS a winner... but still, "Laudi-AI2" finished 3rd with a 45s penalty, but it´s position never appears, the question mark remains on the results list, even after 45seconds. THIS replay was small enough to be uploaded - just in case it´s of any help.

Anyway, good job on LFS so far, love the game
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X36bug-raceend.spr - 1.3 MB - 334 views
Quote from eimer_ :well, i gave x36 a quick task, went to single player, put 20 AIs in BF1 on the oval and let them race for 3 laps, all on one of my setups and (obviously) skins. pitstop mandatory. all fine, they pitted in lap 1, but braked/broke(?) too late and it seemed like every single one of them got a 30seconds penalty. fine, maybe they´d do better on their own set

Getting penalties in the pits has been a problem under certain circumstances in almost every single test patch. I think it would be better to have the AI not push their luck so much in the first place. That way if the tires are hot and greasy, or if another car nudges them, or they have a tailwind, or any number of other things happens they will not get penalzied.

None of us humans can brake perfectly to hit the exact limit before we enter the pits, nor can we keep the car perfectly at the speed limit on cars that don't have a limiter. Slowing the AI down a few seconds earlier could solve these problems and really won't have any negative impacts.
Erm... The track outline for SO Chicane Route doesn't show for me, I don't know about you guys.
i dont know where to post bug (maby) that i found, so i will post it here. I noticed that when u are waiting the green light at start if u press acselerator u will wait longer for green light, than when u are not pressing acselerator at all. sry for my bad language
Found this bug in BL, nothing big tho..
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Alt Tab, mouse cursor bug.
Updated to X36 and this bug happened right away, and i've had it twice so far. It does not happen every time I to reproduce it. Let me know what you think.

Running LFS in a window with the mouse cursor turned on in LFS so that you can click the drivers names in the bottom right corner.

Maximizing LFS and just after quickly changing it to NAMES OVER CARS but the mouse cursor stays on screen even though it should be hidden. It might happen with other X patches, i've not tested, it just so happend to happen to me on the first time using X36.

Hope it helps.
Quote from mxpxun :i dont know where to post bug (maby) that i found, so i will post it here. I noticed that when u are waiting the green light at start if u press acselerator u will wait longer for green light, than when u are not pressing acselerator at all. sry for my bad language

It is perhaps an illusion, if you do more test, you will probably find out that green light comes bit of random bases, accelerator should not affect to this.

Try this, do 10 starts without touching throttle make note of how long it took green light to lit, after that do 10 starts with throttle and make note of how long it took green light to lit.
Then compare results and if there still looks to be clear connection between throttle usage and wait time for green light to lit post times here?
This started happening everytime I disconnect from a server, the lag bar just raises up, getting rather annoying now, having to wait 20 seconds to leave...

This just started in the test patches btw.
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Quote from Bawbag :This started happening everytime I disconnect from a server, the lag bar just raises up, getting rather annoying now, having to wait 20 seconds to leave...

This just started in the test patches btw.

I occasionally get that on X/X10, so I'd be surprised if it's something specific to the test patches.
Well I never had it before X30 and i've only had it disconnect properly once with the recent patches...
I had that before this set of test patches too... So not X30+ specific I'd guess.
Quote from russraine :Updated to X36 and this bug happened right away, and i've had it twice so far. It does not happen every time I to reproduce it. Let me know what you think.

Running LFS in a window with the mouse cursor turned on in LFS so that you can click the drivers names in the bottom right corner.

Maximizing LFS and just after quickly changing it to NAMES OVER CARS but the mouse cursor stays on screen even though it should be hidden. It might happen with other X patches, i've not tested, it just so happend to happen to me on the first time using X36.

Hope it helps.

As you now know, russraine, this is my InSim app on the server you were on displaying buttons all the time. LFS shows the mouse whenever there are buttons on the screen.

I will add the option to the InSim app for the user to hide the buttons all the time

All: Please disregard russraine's post - it is not a bug!

I didn't know that at the time Timbo - thought it was a bug. However, i'm pretty sure it wasn't happening all the time, so, perhaps you changed the app while I was on the server? (this was earlier in the day).

Unless it is a proper bug that is.
Again, I dont know has this been reported. Since updating to X36, EVERYTIME i start LFS it is in windowed mode. And then I have to press Shift+F4 to go fullscreen ?! Tried changig resolutions, didn't help.

EDIT: It works fine now. Don't know why, but it does
Quote from Arrow. :I kept timing out then.. after a few attempts trying to race
then this happend
and i could not leave the server or anything

Quote from Bawbag :This started happening everytime I disconnect from a server, the lag bar just raises up, getting rather annoying now, having to wait 20 seconds to leave...

This just started in the test patches btw.

Yeah... same thing happend to me Baggz... ... id=44639&d=1197970193

Atleast i bet you in something
Found a bug for you Scawen, I don't think this applies to all vehicles, but I noticed while changing any sound in Shift-A with the FO8, the handbrake locks on.

Meaning.. if you're driving, testing sounds and are changing something, every time you change a value in the FO8, you will spin out because it turns the handbrake on.

Found out on a server, eimer_ on the other hand can't get it to lock up, it just seems to be me (no one else is talking on server)

And no, A is not set to handbrake, nor shift etc.

What the heck does that mean?

It made my wheel awfully hard to turn.

Tried new Profiler. New LFS.

Didnt work. Any ideas?
Quote from Kasper_Johnsen :"DI : SetProperty - DIERR_UNSUPPORTED"

What the heck does that mean?

It made my wheel awfully hard to turn.

Tried new Profiler. New LFS.

Didnt work. Any ideas?

It seems your DirectInput is failing to switch off the AUTOCENTER property. I can't do much about that as that must be done before using Force Feedback. The result should be your wheel works without force feedback.

Maybe you need to reinstall the wheel drivers?