The online racing simulator
I tried that hibernation thingy out. It's the same for me.

As the pad-electronics are built into my G25 the axes of the gamepad are not accessible. Pushing the buttons won't "wake" things up. So I tried it with a rather similar gamepad I have here. Buttons won't "wake" things up, too. But moving any axis of the pad "wakes" things up. All axes of all connected controllers are useable then. Strange, huh? Thanks for the tip, p1lot. Maybe we'll get this solved soon.
Quote from Hotdogxx60 :Here's my report. DFP and logitech 2.4 joystick connected to xp pc.
driving the FBM at blackwood I get trouble shifting up from 4th gear up and cannot get it into 6th using the paddles on the wheel. the car red lines and it takes a couple of tries to get it the shift up from 3rd to 4th and the same from then on. Down shifting is not a problem as with the rest of the controls. Took out the FOX and no problems at all. Back to the FBM and shifting up is still there. I haven't tried it with the flight stick disconneted to see if this is upsetting things.

This is not a bug, it's just that there is no autoclutch on gearchange for the FBM. You must pull on the gear lever and while still pulling, momentarily lift the throttle for a near instant clutchless gearchange. Same thing in real life.

Quote from falcon5 :I tried that hibernation thingy out. It's the same for me.

As the pad-electronics are built into my G25 the axes of the gamepad are not accessible. Pushing the buttons won't "wake" things up. So I tried it with a rather similar gamepad I have here. Buttons won't "wake" things up, too. But moving any axis of the pad "wakes" things up. All axes of all connected controllers are useable then. Strange, huh? Thanks for the tip, p1lot. Maybe we'll get this solved soon.

Right, I've got this figured out now, it's a thing I added which stops all the axes going crazy when you click back on LFS from another window. LFS reports no values until an axis is moved. It looks like it it checking for a moved axis on the first controller, or something like that, where it should really check all of them.
Quote from Vince :Don't know if it's a big or not!

Looking left and right has changed to 45 degree instead of 90 degree.

Pressing both at the same time results in the 90 degree watching to a side, instead of looking backwards

yeah bring this back so I can look back using both paddles together, I have a G25 and with limited easily accessible buttons on the wheel itself, I use the paddles for left and right view and both together for rear view when I need a clearer view of who is behind me instead of trying to see in the mirror. Also bring back the digital speedo for all the cars, it is so much easier to read, I run LFS at 1600x1200, and it is near impossible to read the speedo accurately. I use the digital speedo to guage how a setup is going by being able to see the speeds more actuately through corners and so on.... So please bring these options back. Don't see why you have to take out good options, why not just leave them there so people can use them or not, give us the choices we expect ( saying this with the utmost respect to you guys )...please

Starting a new host doesn't give the option to enable BF1
Attached images
Probably a feature to stop noobs using fast cars
Quote :This is not a bug, it's just that there is no autoclutch on gearchange for the FBM. You must pull on the gear lever and while still pulling, momentarily lift the throttle for a near instant clutchless gearchange. Same thing in real life.

Ok thanks Scawen, then the only bug I've found so far after trying this out is my bad driving and lack of auto knowledge

Track SO Long REV, one or multiplayer: Fuel estimate wrong

The car skin download screen is unreadable. The text and background are the same color. Make the text black!?

I think this must be due to a button colour or opacity you have changed.

In my version that is very readable because LFS adds a dark background.

To prove this, you could try renaming your interface_cfg.txt and run LFS with default button colours.
Quote from Starblue :Starting a new host doesn't give the option to enable BF1

Indeed, that was it, yesterday I did set up server with all cars and bf1 was not selected and as I checked that is the reason
Just as an idea, I think that all server options should be "YES" on fresh install/patch update. And then let the people FILTER OUT what they want, not filter in what they want.

Thats just my 0.2c
When opening .set files with LFS.exe, they are placed in the old settings folder rather than setups.
(This might have already been reported)
Typo in the training, the info box in the test drive of the "Race About" says "Really existing prototype". It should probably be "Really exciting"
No, it states that the RA exists in real life
Not sure if it's AI-specific so since it was in singleplayer mode I'll post it here:

I did a practice session that had only AI drivers on SO6 using FBMs (I spectated from the start and did not join at all).

At some point I got an error message saying "Max Alpha (something)" (it cleared my message history right after the next step) - I opted to save a replay, it loaded the replay and then I got a "replay OOS error" when it attempted to play.

Now if I try to play the replay it gives me "Could not load 's car" and two "removed (bad connection)" messages - the main screen alternates between "car error"/"replay OOS error".

The replay's attached.


As an update - I quit the game, re-entered and there is an entry of "LEARNER" in my start grid if I go to single-player mode and any attempt to start a session ends up with a "car error" message and a "Could not load 's car". I've attached the grid file.

The only way to get around this is to remove/rename the cfg.rac file in data/grids.
Attached images
Attached files - 423.4 KB - 296 views - 326 B - 269 views
This happened after track change. 3 of us started race and others managed to join before green lights. But notice where "Lynxy" spawned. By the moves and racer-list it appears he is normally racing, but I see him somewhere way off track...
Attached files
lynxy.mpr - 162.2 KB - 389 views
I had the controller issue too with a dfp and logitech gamepad. Took out the gamepad and suddenly everything was fine.

But I can't connect to the main server to unlock S2.. (nevermind that, it worked now)
Quote from TassieDevil :yeah bring this back so I can look back using both paddles together, I have a G25 and with limited easily accessible buttons on the wheel itself, I use the paddles for left and right view and both together for rear view when I need a clearer view of who is behind me instead of trying to see in the mirror.

This was removed for realism, and should stay as it is now. In real life you can't turn around during a race and look behind you. It's physically impossible because you're strapped in so tight.

Ditto for the digital speedometers. Most cars don't have digital speedometers, so the cars in LFS now don't either. You should be driving by feel, sound, and (if necessary) RPM...not the speedometer.
Quote from Scawen :This is not a bug, it's just that there is no autoclutch on gearchange for the FBM. You must pull on the gear lever and while still pulling, momentarily lift the throttle for a near instant clutchless gearchange. Same thing in real life.

as i reported before in this thread upshifts and downshifts are missed on ALL CARS even with no throttle at all for 2 seconds, FBMW is too evident and unplayable, but is there for other cars too but is "negligible" the only workaround i found is:
while pushing throttle (on keyboard in my case), push upshift very early and keep pushed it, at the time the gear change is needed, lift the throttle and keep pressed the upshift key...same thing for downshifts.
i hope to have explained well.

of course this isn't playable and the only solution is autogears...which i hate and it cuts all the fun
Not so much a bug report, more an interface request: I have helmet downloads disabled. Is it possible to stop showing the message it can't load the helmet skins?
Quote from Honey :as i reported before in this thread upshifts and downshifts are missed on ALL CARS even with no throttle at all for 2 seconds

you must be doing something wrong then ive had no issues whatsoever with the mouse so far
does your keyboard maybe have a few issues with the number of keys you press at the same time?

Quote :while pushing throttle (on keyboard in my case), push upshift very early and keep pushed it, at the time the gear change is needed, lift the throttle and keep pressed the upshift key...same thing for downshifts.
i hope to have explained well.

actually thats sort of how youre supposed to shift in the fbm
Not sure if this has been posted but when you are connected to a server and go to the "driver" option in options, LFS keeps crashing for me. Doesn't happen when I go to any other option though.
Quote from Shotglass :you must be doing something wrong then ive had no issues whatsoever with the mouse so far
does your keyboard maybe have a few issues with the number of keys you press at the same time?

actually thats sort of how youre supposed to shift in the fbm

mah, i never had any isues like that, moreover only gear change are missed, other keys work fine even contemporarly, as i said for other car than FBMW is negligible, but it's there, my guess is that scawen implemented a filter class on top of controller handling to implement the absence of autoclutch on fbmw and this class introduce some problem.

btw, it's not aproblem for me because in the last year i lost interest in lfs and i don't play it anymore, i only wanted to try the new phisics wich is very realistic now.
Quote from Shotglass :

actually thats sort of how you're supposed to shift in the fbm

I just wanted to say that sounds a little strange to me. I mean, I can see putting your hand on the shifter a little before you are going to shift, but not having to start pushing up(or down) on it while you still have the hammer down. I wouldn't see any need or even desire to push on the shifter until the very moment I lifted the throttle a little.
Quote from OneTinSoldier :I just wanted to say that sounds a little strange to me. I mean, I can see putting your hand on the shifter a little before you are going to shift, but not having to start pushing up(or down) on it while you still have the hammer down. I wouldn't see any need or even desire to push on the shifter until the very moment I lifted the throttle a little.

You do - you apply pressure a litte beforehand so that when you lift the new gear pops in.
Quote from Cue-Ball :This was removed for realism, and should stay as it is now. In real life you can't turn around during a race and look behind you. It's physically impossible because you're strapped in so tight.

Ditto for the digital speedometers. Most cars don't have digital speedometers, so the cars in LFS now don't either. You should be driving by feel, sound, and (if necessary) RPM...not the speedometer.

What an absolutely stupid reply, was I asking you? No, so leave you opinion to yourself, all said and done it is still a game and is supposed to be enjoyable to play, and if you don't want to use those options then don't, but if I and many others wish to then we should still have the choice, and when the realism lets me have a decent mirror to be able to see behind properly then your point maybe valid, but the game just doesn't allow a decent view through the mirrors like you get in real cars..........