i wanna try to code some RulesController-tool which could be able to watch the rules for an event automatically and give the raceadmin possibilities to penalise drivers for doing a violation. in the end of the app dev it should be possible to define rules out of an existing rules set for an event. so my thought was to collect what's should be important to be watched and what could be the basic rules elements, which then be combined to an "event rules set".
that's one we have to think about, and the other is the GUI-side: what should be elements for the app and information to be shown ? what interaction should be possible for race admins ? what messages are important to send to the single drivers ?
i just wanna start up a discussion about such an app. for me, i'm new with insim programming but wanna do some part for the community, so i need to start insim
(first tries succeeded, connection to lfs is established
). actually i use LFSLib with C#.NET
so i collect all the good ideas here in the first post, so everbody can quickly see.
output to drivers
Trac: http://liveforspeed.codemacher.de/trac/LFSMarshall/
Current Release Notes http://liveforspeed.codemacher ... RulesController/NOTES.txt

i wanna try to code some RulesController-tool which could be able to watch the rules for an event automatically and give the raceadmin possibilities to penalise drivers for doing a violation. in the end of the app dev it should be possible to define rules out of an existing rules set for an event. so my thought was to collect what's should be important to be watched and what could be the basic rules elements, which then be combined to an "event rules set".
that's one we have to think about, and the other is the GUI-side: what should be elements for the app and information to be shown ? what interaction should be possible for race admins ? what messages are important to send to the single drivers ?
i just wanna start up a discussion about such an app. for me, i'm new with insim programming but wanna do some part for the community, so i need to start insim

(first tries succeeded, connection to lfs is established

so i collect all the good ideas here in the first post, so everbody can quickly see.
output to drivers
- state of pitlane (open/closed)
- duration of quali
- duration of race ( fixed time / fixed laps)
- pitlane opening (time / lap)
- pitlane closing (time / lap)
- forced pitstops (number of stop required / addition like "have to change all 4 tyres every pitstop")
- using of lag lap
- lfs server connect interface
- list of all drivers on track
- possibility to customize and combine the basic rules components (interactiv / load / save)
- list of rule violations
- possibility to react on violations

Trac: http://liveforspeed.codemacher.de/trac/LFSMarshall/
Current Release Notes http://liveforspeed.codemacher ... RulesController/NOTES.txt