The online racing simulator
My thoughts on the new patch.
(137 posts, started )
My thoughts on the new patch.
Not so pleased im sorry to say. Mainly as my favourite car to race was the BF1 on BL1 so i guess ive been affected the most with that combo, i was also the fastest at that combo afaik with keyboard (52:68). First of all LFS is now being designed for a wheel and not really compatible now with keyboard (which i use), the BF1 has chnaged loads, its harder to drive for one, the clutch thing is bugging me, the gea change is awful with auto gears (the only gears i can use), coming into corner auto clutch goes in chnages a gear let go of brake, auto clutch decides i need a new gear so chnages again, by this time im going through the corner, in return the car descides to throw me into the gravel. Not so good then.

Don't get me wrong the devs have worked hard, on this patch and its marvellous, i think the FBM is great, lovely gear chnage, more controlable than the FOX i also think they made a good decision making it open to demo'ers.

So..i think im taking time out from LFS now until i get a wheel as maybe then i can drive in the game without coming back with gravel in my helmet, hard to say for me as i love the game, thanks devs for a great patch and game (no irony intended), i'll probably see you guys around when i get a wheel but who knows when that will be, or if i have a change of heart.

All the best, Pearcy.
You're sad because your driving methods are far from ideal (better word than 'realistic')? Can't blame you. Stop crying, buy a decent wheel and then criticize.
Quote :First of all LFS is now being designed for a wheel

It is therefore highly recommended to drive the sim with a steering wheel, because even though you can use keyboard and/or mouse, a wheel is what you use in a real car, so a wheel should be used in a serious racing simulator.

I don't see your problem with BF1 gear changing... it's already semi-automatic.
Why do we need another thread?

Just post in the Patch Y thread.

Oh, and bye, I doubt you will be missed
All I can suggest is maybe adding a mouse to your controller mix and turning off the auto gears. Auto gears won't make you faster than manual- so I think you're limiting yourself there... I can do everything the new patch requires with mouse/keyboard, and I haven't spend that much time adapting.
I havent met so much rudeness on any other forum (or in multiplayer) towards people.. i think his post was most polite, just saying his issues with the patch.. still being understanding of the developers aim.. and accepting that the next step is to get a wheel and learn using one... and still theres some ill replys.. shame on some. well.. heres mine..
Hope you get a wheel soon, im sure youll love it when you do the step.
all the people is so harsh and "ruuuuude" here?...
well, it's ok that LFS is designed to use it with a wheel, but there is a lot of ways to say things you know?
(joen) DELETED by joen : nvm
Im not making my problem anybodys problem, im just expressing on what the new patch is like on keyboard and realise its time to get a wheel, its not just me a little unhappy about the new patch and the new blackwood. Maybe we need to hear someone elses views who drives the same as me with keyboard on the BF1, how else can you explain that before the new patch i was one of the fastest in the world considering that the WR was 52:10, i use keyboard with auto gears, online in a server did 2 laps instead of 1, and yet its still my fault.

Ill be back... Just need a wheel first.
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :Not so pleased im sorry to say. Mainly as my favourite car to race was the BF1 on BL1 so i guess ive been affected the most with that combo, i was also the fastest at that combo afaik with keyboard (52:68). First of all LFS is now being designed for a wheel and not really compatible now with keyboard (which i use), the BF1 has chnaged loads, its harder to drive for one, the clutch thing is bugging me, the gea change is awful with auto gears (the only gears i can use), coming into corner auto clutch goes in chnages a gear let go of brake, auto clutch decides i need a new gear so chnages again, by this time im going through the corner, in return the car descides to throw me into the gravel. Not so good then.

Don't get me wrong the devs have worked hard, on this patch and its marvellous, i think the FBM is great, lovely gear chnage, more controlable than the FOX i also think they made a good decision making it open to demo'ers.

So..i think im taking time out from LFS now until i get a wheel as maybe then i can drive in the game without coming back with gravel in my helmet, hard to say for me as i love the game, thanks devs for a great patch and game (no irony intended), i'll probably see you guys around when i get a wheel but who knows when that will be, or if i have a change of heart.

All the best, Pearcy.

hey mate

I see what you mean, you could try getting a cheap £10 MOMO from a guy called Antt here on the forums, if he's still interested in selling it, or you could buy a brand new cheap non FF one for around £20

Good luck, and all the best Pearcy
Im going big i think G25 or DFP can't make my mind up

Christmas money is more or less already spoken for (16) scooter, new mobile, but whatever i have left is going to a wheel.
Quote from niall09 :Why do we need another thread?

Just post in the Patch Y thread.

Oh, and bye, I doubt you will be missed

Exactly what I was thinking!!
What a suprise your from Halfords Racing

For those intrested to see the difference here is 2 hotlaps 1 before 1 after.

I uploaded the seond one as it was the best example of what is happening (at the second chicane).
Attached files
hotlap 79.spr - 63.2 KB - 291 views
hotlapppp.spr - 44.4 KB - 274 views
Guy, I don't think anyone really cares.

I'd just leave it and come back when you've got a wheel, like you said, posting more will not change anything
although the dfp is a great wheel, amazon have it over priced. i bought mine from dabs (diss-continued now) for £60 new.
Thanks for the help guys, was looking at a G25 on ebay at £149 didn't include delivery aswell, so amazon seems the best place to get a G25 from then. Man this is hard, think ill have to wait and see how much ive got after christmas.
Quote from spankmeyer :You're sad because your driving methods are far from ideal (better word than 'realistic')? Can't blame you. Stop crying, buy a decent wheel and then criticize.

Wow ure big? How is that crying? only because he doesn't want to use a wheel, i don't.. does that make me a baby or wanna cry? I use mouse and keyboard. I too hate the new clutch thing and also the car set problem. Plus that new 1.2 bmw F1 car is rubbish. I mean why do we need more F1 cars and why for demo's.
I will never use a wheel as i choose to use mouse and keyboard, it's like me using mouse over controller for first person shooters, i prefer to use mouse.
Quote from orange_boy_uk :I will never use a wheel as i choose to use mouse and keyboard, it's like me using mouse over controller for first person shooters, i prefer to use mouse.

FPS games are completely different thing. First of all, they are not sims and secondly there is no better or more realistic controller choice available. You can prefer to use Guitar Hero controller to play LFS if you want but don't whine it being too hard.
its goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood
Quote from zilul :its goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood

Best first post of the year? Or worst? LoL!

i feel the same way about buying a wheel, ive always used keyboard, always thought i would until i buy a wheel but the rate i was going didn't think i needed one.

In a way its more satisfying beating someone in a race when you drive keyboard, Dont know why but it is.
#22 - Ospi
I don't understand why anyone with the ability to buy a wheel (we are talking like $100 for a MOMO) would choose to stay with the KB or mouse. The whole experience of the game is improved ten fold with a wheel.
Quote from spankmeyer :You're sad because your driving methods are far from ideal (better word than 'realistic')? Can't blame you. Stop crying, buy a decent wheel and then criticize.

He's not criticising actuially if you bother to read what he says!!!!!! Read the full post before you criticise!
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :Thanks for the help guys, was looking at a G25 on ebay at £149 didn't include delivery aswell, so amazon seems the best place to get a G25 from then. Man this is hard, think ill have to wait and see how much ive got after christmas.

I bought a 2nd hand DFP off ebay for £25 and its been great.... really good wheel for the ££
Quote from Ospi :I don't understand why anyone with the ability to buy a wheel (we are talking like $100 for a MOMO) would choose to stay with the KB or mouse. The whole experience of the game is improved ten fold with a wheel.

I agree.
LFS is a sim that attempts to be as realistic as possible. Playing it with a keyboard is almost as silly as making a thread complaining about how hard it is.

My thoughts on the new patch.
(137 posts, started )