The online racing simulator
Quote from Resound :And as far as the demo doriftobaka crowd go, if you can't drift the XRG then you badly need to practice. Came back and talk to us once you've learned to drive.

It sure is possible to drift the XRG, I have a drift setup for it.
Jus skimmed thread, Wow some people are plain mean and dumb haha Love org post!!!
I just don't get how you guys can't afford S1. That sounds like a poor exuse to me. Hell, my 6 year old son could afford S1 if he wanted it bad enough. He might not get it tonight, but in a week or three. You've been playing the demo a lot longer than that, most of you. So drop the chockies and fries this weekend, or have a few less beers, and you're set for anouther year, at least. Probably alot longer. How you guys got computers in the first place is beyond me...

Edit: Damn, you make me sound like my father.. that's NOT a good thing, but you need to hear it. Sometimes it actually takes a slight bit of effort to get something you want. It's not asking for a lot.