The online racing simulator
What is all the commotion about Patch Y?
I don't understand why people are so frustrated with Patch Y. What is the problem with it? Everyone here posting threads about things they don't like being changed, and that Patch X was fine.... To be honest, I don't think there are HUGE differences from Patch X to Patch Y. Physics-wise, the driving feel and handling still feels the same, and only new shifting methods have been introduced. You'd need to get your head checked if you can't figure out how to shift the car properly.

Then all these complaints about the XRT being removed from the demo. BIG DEAL, what was so special about that car anyways? It isn't remarkably different from the XRG variant, it just has more power and turbo :rolleyes:. Granted it is a fun car to drive, the devs still need to demonstrate a racecar (something with slick tyres) in the demo. For all the drifters out there, you might as well buy S2 for a change... after playing on demo for nearly 4 straight years :doh:. Probably all of you are clearly capable of having some cash in your pocket to buy stuff... otherwise how on earth do you stay alive?

There are loads of other fixes and improvements. But for some reason people are viewing them as a step in the wrong direction. While we have to get used to some changes, the game is still LIVE FOR SPEED, and it didn't suddenly change into some piece of junk you need to scream about.

I think all the hard work Scawen has put into this patch is definitely something to reward him for. I think if Eric could have had the new interiors done for Patch Y that would shut you all up... however there are still good changes from him in this patch, and that is enough to be happy about for a gift from the devs. Or else you sound like a kid that didn't get his Nintendo for X-Mas... so go cry and mope under your pillow, don't come on here and expect to be playing Patch X again.

If there are things that have a common agreement for change, then it will probably be fixed later. This isn't the end of the world,.

Get used to it. Happy Holidays.
Well said

Too many pussies around here
Can we get a sticky on this?
Dont forget to mention the uber grass tufts
#5 - garph
I hope it weeds out some of the total retards that have popped up tonight, the attitude and reaction of some of those has actually surprised me a lot, their knowledge of what LFS is and what they think LFS is, is shocking.

I think I'm going to have to stay away from the forum until it all dies down

^ this is why the mouse/kb user's aren't as happy with it.. You now need fully clutch before you can think about shifting..

IRL, you use fully press in the clutch before you move 1st to 2nd, you'll lose ALOT of time. Along with gearing momently and interia of the car.

It works well if you have a neutral to pop into(like the G25 6speed), but with no neutral it makes is a little less realistic shifting (no taking the car out of gear (neutral) without clutch), if you use the sequential method with no clutch help it just took away some reaslism.

^ I dont think the Dev's looked much into this, w/ the mouse/kb users
Quote from garph :I hope it weeds out some of the total retards that have popped up tonight, the attitude and reaction of some of those has actually surprised me a lot, their knowledge of what LFS is and what they think LFS is, is shocking.

I think I'm going to have to stay away from the forum until it all dies down

Nooo, I love when you post in stupid threadds like the ones tonight
You always seem to "pu them down"
Am I the only one who is kind of in a perverse way enjoying all this whining?

This is kind of a Reformation, to swipe away the wrong substance from the community (probably going to get lots of haters after saying this :yummy. Players who do not see a single positive thing in patch Y are not clearly playing the right game. Then again all this just shows that LFS has already attracted "wrong" kind of players who seemingly can not adapt to the new harder rules.

Altough one thing that is bad is the setup renaming thing - Scawen should have really informed a little better about that. Maybe a some kind of pop-up window saying what's it's all about after the autoupdater/installer or something like that. Now it just causes misunderstandings and frustration.

Quote from deggis :Am I the only one who is kind of in a perverse way enjoying all this whining?

Quote from garph :I hope it weeds out some of the total retards that have popped up tonight, the attitude and reaction of some of those has actually surprised me a lot, their knowledge of what LFS is and what they think LFS is, is shocking.

I think I'm going to have to stay away from the forum until it all dies down

Your above remarks say a lot about your attitude, which is shocking.
Quote from deggis :Am I the only one who is kind of in a perverse way enjoying all this whining?

Not at all. It's quite entertaining.
People are just unhappy because they were fast on patch X, but now they need to learn a track or a car again. Some people complain and want it back to the way it was, the rest of us accept the changes and adapt to them.

I've seen this attitude from people everytime a new patch comes out. By all means voice your concerns about the changes, and report the bugs. But don't bitch about the changes made just because you can't adapt to them.
Well, the only change for me is that I don't need to relearn flatshifting anymore everytime when I start LFS. Although for short races the clutch will probably still be able to handle it. So the only thing that has changed is the engine sound when flatshifting

FBM... I thought the FOX was already boringly slow
I love all the 'its too realistic for you' digs that a lot of the regulars are putting forward, when quite frankly LFS is about as realistic as a tooth fairy (in its current form). I thought LFS was pretty bloody accurate when I first got into it, but its probably not as bang on as we'd all like to think.

Furthermore if you're looking for something thats proper hardcore and realistic I suggest you go and play some GPL - Then come back to LFS and wonder why a lot of the GPL players consider LFS a 'fake physics' sim. I'm not here to knock LFS because I love it, but I am sick of the 'other side' banging on about how 'real' and 'great' it is and that anyone who fails to see/accept that must be a complete and utter idiot that cannot deal with the extremely minor changes.

I guess the main gripe I have with this new patch is the way things came to be and how they were implemented, no one really had any say and we've usually had some sort of input into the grand scheme of things. And no this does not mean that Scawen should go ahead and develop what we want, when we want, But I feel we should get a say on things being removed or added as after all this isn't a full product.

All this forum hysteria doesn't help the transition either.
#15 - VoiD
Quote from deggis :Am I the only one who is kind of in a perverse way enjoying all this whining?

No. It´s quite amusing. Especially when some wannabe-sim´er make himself the biggest fool...

Quote from Rooble :... But I feel we should get a say on things being removed or added as after all this isn't a full product...

Remember the whole clutch- and 45°-look-discussion. Scawen still listen to "us".
Quote from Rooble :But I feel we should get a say on things being removed or added

Does that mean i can vote to get Chewie back ?

I've been saying the same about GPL hardcore-ness for years, and i'm hoping LFS is heading in that direction, only time will tell.

But as it stands LFS is by far the closest thing we've got to GPL + it doesn't have that fractured community nonsense that to all intents and purposes ruined GPL online.
#17 - aoun
Alot complained saying that theres nothing new. we got new combo and new formula. Topics in improvement forum asking for stalling clutches, we got it!

Now, people dont like it? :S.
The whining about the changes is sad to see after ScaViEr put in quite a bit of work for patch Y. I really don't get it either what all the fuss is about, personally i feel that patch Y is great, ai has improved, we have some physics changes, track updates, new (REAL) car and more realism with the clutch heat and no throttle cut. If people cant handle the racing then they are playing the wrong game, go play something like rFactor, Forza or GT..

If ScaViEr read this forum tonight then they must feel sad to see some of the stuff posted... i know you can never please everyone but some people seriously need to grow up...

I love patch Y

roll on more of the same!
#19 - aoun
I love the patch !

No I don't believe the physics are perfect (this is a work in progress ) but patch Y is definately heading in the right direction.

The clutch model has some flaws just as the tyre model does, the important thing isn't that there is some flaws, the most important point is that the clutch behaviour for racing is pretty good and adds an entire new dimension to racing in LFS

What will people say when brake heat is introduced and then dynamic grip levels on the track
It's still great fun regardless, I like patch Y, wish that flatshifting did more damage TBH especially on public server sprint races. No doubt on longer league races it will have the desired affect.

I now use my G25 clutch which is a good thing, before with patch X I always felt like if I used proper realistic shifting techniques it slowed me down.

Merry Xmas and a drunken New year!
Honestly, I just got tired of complaining, and whats worse, I don't have enough money to buy S2... so now I am going to just lay back from LFS, its been a great part of my life, but Patch Y ruins demo users... and to be honest..

I know that S2 people don't care... but seriously, wouldn't you be a bit annoyed if you couldn't afford it, and you couldn't use the most used car in LFS History?

Oh well... I'm gonna regrettably start searching for something else..

I will never forget LFS, but I just don't have the same feeling now with Patch Y... its just not as fun.. I just wish S2 was budget friendlier.


PS. Happy Holidays.
:wave2: bye then, take care, don't forget to write.
I fail to see how removing a road car and replacing it with a real life racing car is a loss. It is a gift to the demo users, Scavier could have given you 1 car, 24 hours limited playing time, and no updates. Instead you get 3 cars, now with 1 racing car, all the updates, online racing, and not just 1 track, but all the combo's that come with that track.

S2 is £24, you pay more than that for most new PC games, and they don't include a lifetime of free content and updates. If you can afford a PC that is able to run LFS, then surely you can afford to buy a license.
Quote :and you couldn't use the most used car in LFS History?

1st. When LFS wast first released as a demo about 3 years back, it was a new car. So FBM is the new one, I'm sure ppl will get used to it.

2nd. The most used car in LFS just CAN'T BE FREE! if things worked like that, demo's should have the last mission instead of the first in FPS's/RTS's.

FBM is quite a fun car also. I really liked it, and the fact is an OW, with not too much power is perfect for learning.

Leaving LFS for a patch is simply stupid, a really wrong aproach. If it's not fun now, then you've never really liked it as you should, it's not the thing for you, just that.

Also I tried both GPL and LFS long time ago, when I wasn't into simracing, and I coped with GPL, but not with LFS (wich I left until november 06, when I got into simracing. Also have played Race07 and it's not as entertaining as LFS, even with the stupid AI)