The online racing simulator
UF-BR Server Restrictions
Has the restriction to bronze and over already happened, only I couldn't join earlier this evening?

I did wait until the current race was over and the server wasn't full b.t.w.
#2 - J@tko
Quote from dungbeetle :Has the restriction to bronze and over already happened, only I couldn't join earlier this evening?

I did wait until the current race was over and the server wasn't full b.t.w.

Nope - just been on there w/my copper licence - (but not for much longer, hopefully!)
Thanks J.

Don't know what's going on then 'cos I tried again earlier and whenever I hit 'Join', I'm in the pits for an instant, then zap! - back to spectating again.

Am I doin' summat wrong?
#4 - J@tko
Quote from dungbeetle :Thanks J.

Don't know what's going on then 'cos I tried again earlier and whenever I hit 'Join', I'm in the pits for an instant, then zap! - back to spectating again.

Am I doin' summat wrong?

Check your restrictor?
Check auto-gears?
Check pit lane open?
Quote from J@tko :Check your restrictor?
Check auto-gears?
Check pit lane open?

Thanks for the help, J.

Pit lane was open so no problem there.

Don't use auto gears, so good to go there.

Not sure about the restrictor though. I assumed that was part of the server setup. If not, what do I need to do here, J?
#6 - Noccy
enter the garage and add 45% intake restriction (under the info tab ,where u set your fuellevel too)
Quote from Noccy :enter the garage and add 45% intake restriction (under the info tab ,where u set your fuellevel too)

Ah, OK.

Thanks Noccy.
#8 - VoiD
Quote from VoiD :There´s a very good and stable basic setup on

Download Base Setup

Hey, thanks VoiD.

Much appreciated.

Better get my skates on I guess 'cos the way the votes are going, I won't be allowed in for much longer.

#10 - VoiD
Do youself a favour and don´t join. X-system went down and some wannabe´s driving without restriction now...see here
It's back up now.