I would be cruel not to share this with you guys. This guy on an NSX forum decided to try to spam his website and scam some people out of their money. He picked the wrong forum to do that in. It spread like a wildfire. Over 150k hits, and it ain't slowing down. It's spreading from forum to forum and is probably some of the most funniest reading I have done in years. They guy edited most of his posts, so some of it might not make sense, but if you read on, you'll figure out exactly what he said. The server is having difficulty keeping up with the bandwith demand, so you might have to refresh a page a couple times to get it to load properly. It's becoming gigantic, but will be well worth it if you have the time to read it. If you don't have the time, just skim over it, and you'll still be rewarded with roflcopters of fun!