I wrote a program that extracts some data from RAF files, adds some calculations and produces csv output that may be used to analyse (at least to some extent) the characteristics of LFS tyres. The program is called RAFTyreExtract.
There is also another simple program (MultiDim) that may be used for plotting data from RAFTyreExtract, unless you have a better tool to do it that you are already familiar with.
See the attached picture for an example of what is possible with these programs. It shows FZ50 rear tyre lateral grip vs slip angle for various tyre normal loads.
I hope there will be some people here who may find RAFTyreExtract useful and help me verify if its ouput is correct, especially parts which are calculated and not taken directly from RAF file.
I wrote a program that extracts some data from RAF files, adds some calculations and produces csv output that may be used to analyse (at least to some extent) the characteristics of LFS tyres. The program is called RAFTyreExtract.
There is also another simple program (MultiDim) that may be used for plotting data from RAFTyreExtract, unless you have a better tool to do it that you are already familiar with.
See the attached picture for an example of what is possible with these programs. It shows FZ50 rear tyre lateral grip vs slip angle for various tyre normal loads.
I hope there will be some people here who may find RAFTyreExtract useful and help me verify if its ouput is correct, especially parts which are calculated and not taken directly from RAF file.