The online racing simulator
NOOB drifting help
(1 post, started )
NOOB drifting help
i have recently (as in starting on tuesday) begun to take an interest in drifting in LFS.

i am having some luck with getting good setups in the XRG mostly by using the race_s as a baseline and playing with the anti-roll bars and rear toe out but i am having a few problems.

it seems i am getting too much understeer on corner entry while my tires are somewhat fresh.
should i tighten up the differential preload or lower the locking?

or should i lower the front ARB rate?

i am also having problems with gear ratios.
for the short tracks i am using, i tend to stay in first gear, especially with the low power of the XRG.
however, i seem to run out of revs too easily on the straighter sections, but shifting lowers the revs too much and upsets the car.

what is a typical approach to this problem.
i could make first gear numerically higher and make second gear very close to first, but i seem to fall under the powerband in the slow turns...

i guess i should use the XRT, but i dont like the non-linear power of the turbo...

what LFS really needs is to replace the engine in the XRT with a 3-4.5 litre V6, I6 or V8 now that it is no longer a demo car.

any input is welcome, as long as you arent flaming me for drifting and being a ricer...
fyi, my XRG is skinned to look like a third gen camaro IROC-Z...
doesnt get much more UN-rice than that lol

NOOB drifting help
(1 post, started )