The online racing simulator
Blackwood Race: Team changes

please post here the usernames of the drivers that are (possibly) going to race tomorrow, including the name of your team. If a new driver is added to the line up, I also need this persons real name + country.

Thanks in advance,
Pedal to the Metal Racing Team lineup for race 3:
- Markus Trützschler (Bullet) [GER]
- Steven Kienast (DaRaiden) [GER]
- Ricardo Hohmann (bright devil) [GER]
- Philip Kempermann (Hoellsen) [GER]
Cyber Racing #16

Drivers for Blackwood gp

Moby "Robert Bjorkman" (Sweden)
Casper "Uros Belak" (Slovenia)
Misko "Miloš Miljković" (Serbia and Montenegro)
Rumiko "Anton Širočka" (Slovak Republic)

Marco Schade (Jay) [GER]
Marco Schmidt (inCogNito) [GER]
Arne Krabbenhöft (SKA69) [GER]
Torben Sauthoff (Da Hoe) [GER]
XRR - Team:
Rudi Reinkort (RudiTurbo) [Est]
Vincent Staal (Vince) [NL]
Peter Hum (Hummer) [Hun]

FXR Team:
Alex Marx (Revs) [GER]
Bastian Riebold (BusterOne) [GER] ??
Karsten Deschler (Mafiosi) [GER] ??

FXR Team not sure yet... sry...
Sorry, but i really dont know if i have the time to race tomorrow
First thing is that 1 of my daughters is still ill and i dont think that i could race 2 hours without big trouble here ^^ And the next thing is that we have to buy some stuff for chistmas tomorrow.. And the 3rd point is that i really cant drive ^^ no practice, new wheel and so on.. So please find somebody who can drive a bit longer than 2 laps on track
But if there is no other possibility, i would try to race.
As posted in the other thread, you will only have to do a 36 minute (or longer stint), to drive 10% of the race. Then the other drivers have to drive 45% each.
#8 - sazea
#9 shock.fx racing team:

Davy Decorps (Davy) [FRA]
Johnatan Pailler (Stann) [FRA]
Arnaud Rebts (Kid_P@ddle) [BEL]
#1 masterblasters e.V. Clanshells Motorsport

Marco Kömmlinger (riskredruM) [Ger]
Joachim Breme (steak) [Ger]
Robert Moos (Robocop) [Ger]
Thomas Ernst (killernap) [AT]
Teamnic blue skin:
Attached images