Videocard drivers thread
(2 posts, started )
Videocard drivers thread
I thought i'd give heads up that 171.16 betas or something have been released, im using them and they gave about 80 points more in 3dmark06 (comparing to 169.28) and astonishing 4 fps in Crysis!! Thats actually alot for Crysis.
Also profile anti-aliasing has been fixed too!
No drivers for 64-bit systems though. Issues I have encountered, is that it automaticlly sets GPU fan to 100%, but you can use Rivatuner to set it back to normal, so if you have rivatuner, and know how to set fan speed to normal, go ahead and download, otherwise i'd just suggest you to wait for offical drivers.
Removed links
Uh links dont work anymore, but you can get those drivers if you just type 171.16 drivers download in google.
im still (under windows) on version 91.31 since they give me nice performance and the AA/AF does actually work.
any newer driver i tried, AA/AF forced via driver didnt work (geforce 7600gs).
i pretty much ill every update (theyre the drivers that came with the card) since ive tried a few and everywhere the same result.
lets see if its better whenever ill have a new card.
(Eleanor SpeedGT) DELETED by Eleanor SpeedGT

Videocard drivers thread
(2 posts, started )