The online racing simulator
Losing Connection
I keep losing on CTRA SS2. It only happens on SS2 and none of the other CTRA servers. It is getting really annoying because I will in the middle of a race and it just drops out. I know it is not my internet because every other server I go on is fine. Any help would be much appreciated.
I was racing on some other CTRA servers and this was not a problem, but I just went back to SS2 and it keeps happening. Is there a glitch in the system?
#3 - SamH
I'm headed on the server now, I'll check..

[edit] I just checked the log. You do indeed time out a lot I don't have any good explanations for it. The server port is in the same range as the other CTRA servers and there's no settings on the server that set it apart from any of the others. Just to be thorough, I've done a search for special uses on the port that this server runs on. Nothing shows up. Tis a mystery to me!

For good measure, I've reinitialized the server. Keep me posted!
Don't know if this is related, but I saw a lot of timeouts tonight in CTRA Race1. Myself have timed out sometimes (critical times...).

Just for the record.