I have to say I absolutely LOVE LFS and a hell of alot that comes with it. The Devs, the community, the online racing, my team, leagues, our skins etc etc, I could go on and on.
But I find the issues I have with LFS have been addressed in iracing.
1. Wreckers - Safety Rating - Fixed, doesn't happen after you have raced a few races as you will never have the displeasure of meeting these muppets online again....EVER
2. Physics - The best thing about LFS is the physics are better than any other sim out there.....until now! Iracing feels a whole different ball game to LFS IMHO in the right direction. The FFB is out of this world and the whole experience feels "right".
3. Graphics - LFS has a great engine but I have been really frustrated to see the development in the last few years with LFS, it simply is outdated, anyone who says different must be blind, surely Shirley? Iracing shows exactly what I cannot understand about LFS. Why are the graphics 5 years behind?
4. Sound - LFS doesn't even support Surround Sound. Is this 2008? I had surround sound 10 years ago at least.... Iracing supports it.
5. Website Integration - LFS world is a fantastic website and integrates a little with LFS, Iracing's website is completley integrated into the sim.
6. Real Tracks & Cars - How many of you have asked a million times how good it would be to have real tracks and cars? People have even offered to give the DEVS laser scanned tracks for free, but have been turned down. I personally think this is THE biggest difference in iracing. The tracks are simply out of this world. Why? Because they were designed by the best track designers in the world and tested again and again by real life drivers and had a HUGE budget and plenty of time to make them. Even if Eric was the best track designer on the whole planet are you telling me he makes better tracks than the professional track designers who get paid millions can do? Laguna Sec is an experience I have never got close to in LFS. Then I was wondering where I was losing time, so I watched a REAL race to pick up lines, braking points from the best out there. LFS simply cannot offer that atm. If the devs allowed us to submit tracks (for approval or whatever) we could have this, but atm this isn't an option. We are stuck with tracks from 5 years ago. Maybe S3 will offer this, great, I will buy S3 anyway, so will play iracing until then....
My 2 cents
I think the developers of iracing have taken a branch (more than a leaf

) out of LFS's book and have implemented all the things we have asked for in LFS, and more importantly, have delivered it NOW. LFS S3 will probably be just as good as iracing and a hell of a lot cheaper, but how long will we be waiting for it? Guesses? 2 Years? No chance at this rate..... 5 years? More realistic...
I am happy to pay to drive iracing and get this incredible experience but.... I will still play LFS. I can totally understand that if money is tight and you are not going to use iracing that much, it is not for you, not yet at least. But I don't think anyone here has the right to preach to anyone to pay money for a sim if it is not right for them or they can't afford it. It is expensive, and I don't agree with the pricing structure, but as LFS is developing so slowly I am willing to pay it.
I am sure I speak for almost everyone here in saying that LFS is the best value for money sim out there, and has given me many hours of fun, but if the development continues the way it has done in the 2 years I have been racing, it will seriously lose alot of racers from the communtity.