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Quote from iFastLT :Yea, would like to try it

And one question. Is there any posibility to change your name? Not to any nickname but just to your real name. Because I don't have nor credit card nor pay-pal, so friend of mine bought me an iRacing subscription and now I have to drive with his name :/ I wrote with this question to iRacing support email but haven't any answer for several weeks already. Thanks!

Yep they should be able to change it pronto, I used be called Lorraine as I used my wifes credit card, they changed it to my real name Susan immediately when I sent a request to customer support
Quote from AlienT. :they changed it to my real name Susan immediately when I sent a request to customer support

Damn! I always thought your real name was Strusan!
Thanks guys, I've changed my name to: Aidas Staskevicius.
Add me if you want
Anyone who likes iRacing FFB with a G25; which Logitech drivers are you using?

To be honest, both iRacing and LFS FFB, whilst giving pulls and snaps, give me no grip information, just a constant resistance. But there are a few posts around where people claim the more recent drivers are like this (no feel). I'm using 5.02, but I'm sure that previously LFS had more with the earlier drivers. I just want to know if it's worth rolling back, baring in mind *properly* uninstalling the things involves manually deleting files from system32 and system32/drivers...apparently.
Quote from Postman Pat :Anyone who likes iRacing FFB with a G25; which Logitech drivers are you using?

To be honest, both iRacing and LFS FFB, whilst giving pulls and snaps, give me no grip information, just a constant resistance. But there are a few posts around where people claim the more recent drivers are like this (no feel). I'm using 5.02, but I'm sure that previously LFS had more with the earlier drivers. I just want to know if it's worth rolling back, baring in mind *properly* uninstalling the things involves manually deleting files from system32 and system32/drivers...apparently.

Just set globals settings in like this (everything is in order)

and turn on center spring and set it to 0%.

These settings feels great both on lfs and iracing
I had a race last night for the first time since September. Skippy @ Road Atlanta. This was also my first time with the new physics and it felt pretty good.

Gridded third, I got a good start, better than the guy in front of me so I went for the pass into T1. We collide at the apex with me slightly ahead on the inside. The other guy starts going off, blaming me for taking "his line." illepall

I hate these self-absorbed children who think they're racing gods just because they can do a lap within 1 second of the WR.
Hmmm it seems to me like the person on the inside has the line

Too bad your first race back was such a short one.
unlucky, i'd love to know what he expected you to do to get out of his way from that position. trouble is so many of these "racing gods" have the peripheral awareness of a sniper looking down a scope and unlike a sniper they seem to prefer to be without a spotter
Quote from iFastLT :Just set globals settings in like this (everything is in order)..

Yep, I know the right settings thanks. It's not that.
It's not the in-game force level either, which can cause clipping if its too high.
This message was approved by Iracing staff.

Dale Earnhardt Jr:

Everyone has heard about the upcoming ability to produce and race your own custom paint with the IRacing sim. Well, here is a little insight on how it looks thus far. I am in no way a solid painter, but with just knowing the basics of photoshop and how easily IRacing has made it to import a scheme, I was able to produce a few options within no time.

IRacing will provide the initial templates. In the future, Im sure you will be able to find members created templates with more options and layers to work with. With what little time Ive spent with it, Ive noticed that IRacing template was much easier to use when lining up certain pieces of the car and making graphics seamless across the vehicle.

When using the template, IRacing gives you the option of personal sponsors and the color and graphics of the car itself. Your number although, will be the number you choose and design within IRacing's current paintshop. This may not please all members, but what it does do is cut part of the lengthy creative process out of making a scheme. Your sure to find a number font and color combination that will work with your overall design. Whats up to you is throwing down some paint and a few easy to place sponsors and your basicly done. Newly created members templates will again cut down on the length of the process.

Once you have your car designed how you wish, its time to plug it into the sim. At this time, this is a super simple step. Save your work in .tga format. You will then place it inside a specific folder in your My Documents/IRacing folder. Thats all there is to it. You start the sim, and hit the track and there is your new scheme.

Currently, IRacing will not provide an auto upload feature that will capture your other competitors schemes once you join a session. We have seen this in other sims, but there are some dangerous legal grey areas that IRacing chooses to steer clear of. What will need to be done by the community is a universal website that would serve as a gathering place for everyones schemes. Thats one reason why I wanted to post this information in the first place. With the option to paint your own car coming very soon and the absence of an auto upload feature, its going to be up to us to keep things as organized as possible. What would be preferred is a website with a file transfer system like we've seen in the past. If someone does choose to run a custom scheme but you are unable to acquire it, what you will see on your end is the scheme they have saved inside IRacing's current paintshop.

In addition to that idea, it might be clever to also produce a car viewer program, as currently the only way to check your work is to resave the scheme and plug the new file into the data and hit the track thus checking the replay. This process is the only time consuming part at the moment.

Anyhow, I hope you all enjoy knowing a little inside info on the upcoming custom paint feature. Below are some of the work Ive been able to produce in just a very short period of time. Go easy, Im no expert on the art. Just a huge fan.

Attached images
Quote from Wilko868 :OT: I saw your post apologising for an accident, Kid

Yeah, that race went a bit wrong...
Don't know if this is allowed(if it isn't, delete this post), but here's a new account promo I got from the IRL series. $25 for three months, and the dallara indycar is included. Don't forget to put [email protected] in the referral box!
Just found holiday promotional code, 3 months just for 14$, but only for new users: PR-HOLIDAY-09
They updated the forum and added a forum for Painting cars. They also posted up the templates.
lol, I get 2 e-mails with forum posts from AjRose, but one is here and one on bimmerforums. Threw me off at first :P

Quote from AjRose :They updated the forum and added a forum for Painting cars. They also posted up the templates.

BF.c ftw
Renewed for a month
Quote from richard dk :Everyone has heard about the upcoming ability to produce and race your own custom paint with the IRacing sim.......

I wish they would give us something like overheating brake discs or sort that throttle position problem out. Pretty paint jobs aren't going to improve the racing. Any rumors on the next build?
to be fair, iracing seem to have a lot of different depts working on differing things so i guess the paint option won't have slowed down any work on the car simulation itself and it will allow a lot of people to express their identity a bit more (plus the jammy sods who can attract real sponsors)

in my case it's been a challenge to work the welsh flag colours into some of the paint schemes compared to just doing a skin in LFS so i'm looking forward to getting the dragon back on my cars and my name and blood group on the cockpit side / helmet / suit.
Theres a bit of info on the upcoming plans here Ant. ... -cat-herder-is-all-about/

We are working on a more realistic transmission model and updating as many cars as we can with a new aero model and a tweak to the tires similar to what we did on the IndyCar, ‘Vette and Star Mazda last season.
One project that is a much longer term project is we are going to replace our sound engine with a new one. This may not even make it into the build after next but we will have a much-improved system released in the next six-eight months.
Dave continues to work on a new tire model, some of which may make this next build but the more significant changes are still a ways away.
Quote from R34GTR :Renewed for a month

And I did it for 3 months, actually I created new account so I could use holiday offer (3 months with price of one). Also bought jetta and road atlanta, so I could race in jetta in near weeks.
I got in on the $75 for a year deal.
I'm racing trucks at Milwaukee this week. Gotten 2 wins 1 second and 1 forth so far, and my SR has gone up 1.7x already, iRating up 300.
I hate you ken. 4k+ road Which set are you using btw? I was thinking of running Milwaukee It's a bit less hectic than some of the other tracks.
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