Wow - blink for a day & the thread changes completely
OK - Universe, dark matter......
There's rather a lot of confusion around at the moment in scientific circles regarding the universe, sun etc as the scientific community try to shoehorn observable facts into the current theory of how the universe works. The problem seems to be that the current theory ( note THEORY ) that the sun is a nuclear ball, ( simplified ALOT ) so are all stars etc and magnetism just happens.
A bit like the global warming THEORY ( prepaires for flaming
) if anyone disagrees then their a heretic and a complete idiot with no knowledge. (, )
An alternate theory on how the universe works has been around for over a hundred years, fits not only what was known then but also what is being discovered today, ( where are those damn nutrinos* ??? ) and manages to be completely ignored by almost everyone.
The theory of the Electric Universe is well worth looking at if you are at all interested in astrophysics or even in an alternative to the current camp fire theory.
The point I'm trying to make is that in science, a theory is just that, A THEORY. It's there till something ( another theory ) comes along.
The interesting thing with this THEORY is that it gives a rational explaination for magnetism, global warming, and those damn nutrinos*. Well worth a look if you want a head expansion.
*Nutrinos - University of Delaware - PHYS 146
The problem is not that a normal sun produces very few neutrinos. At the position of the earth, approximately 6 x 1010 neutrinos should pass through every square-cm of surface every second. I am about 45 cm wide and 180 cm tall, not too untypical. When I am lying down my area is therefore about 8000 square cm. So roughly 5 x 1014 = 500,000,000,000,000 neutrinos pass through my body every second. Neutrinos do not react very readily, however, and all but a tiny, tiny fraction of the nutrinos pass right through me (or Davis's cleaning fluid) without having any effect at all. Absorbing much less than one neutrino a day doesn't do me much harm.
So we need to know how many neutrinos per day would be expected in Davis's detector given the amount of energy coming from the sun. Because only the neutrinos from B8 decay can be seen, the exact number is a bit uncertain. However, the detector should be seeing about 1.8 neutrinos per day and certainly more than 1.2 per day. The experiment sees 32-40% of the expected number of neutrinos. So where are the rest of the neutrinos? Is the sun currently producing enough energy to keep it shining at its current rate? )