The online racing simulator
Video help wanted !

So since my computer sucks when more than 10 cars are on at once, who has a high-performing computer that can capture race video for me ?

I would appreciate it if you would capture the video, and send it to me (I will set up an FTP account on my webserver for transfer) so I can do the editing and such.

If you are interested, zap me a PM.

Too laggy?Maybe try to slow down it to the 0.500 and then in moviemaker or sony just speed the video up and it also doubles ur FPS.
Clean all the muck out of your LFS folder, or just back up wanted files, delete the LFS folder and Reinstall, then back up files go back.

Kyoto went from 20 fps to 70.
The problem is that a grid of about 15 cars or so will put my FPS in the crapper, down to 6 or so.

But I will try the reinstall of LFS tommorow.

so make no trees, no tires, no shadows and details to 0, it wont be beutiful but no wories about less than 25fps
Quote from kABLiuks :so make no trees, no tires, no shadows and details to 0, it wont be beutiful but no wories about less than 25fps

Never actually worked for me, plus I wanted good shots of the track too. I eventually got sick of low FPS and then reinstalled LFS.
Quote from kABLiuks :so make no trees, no tires, no shadows and details to 0, it wont be beutiful but no wories about less than 25fps

HAHA I shall unleash my mass pwnage!!!

As you all spend your time lagging and crashing and dieing I shall run around the outside and take 1st place
I would be willing to do it, how much power is required, never tried makin' a video.

2GBDDR2 800

If that's enough email me the replay @
that will do the job fine^ i got a 4000+ 2gb and 8600gtOC and its a overkill for lfs vids tbh
An update on the Round 1 video:

I've just recorded the introduction (which is pretty rubbish!). Dekojester has recorded some bits of quali, and various people are recording bits of the race this weekend, with Dekojester commentating. It will be out ASAP, probably monday ish, but anytime next week.
I've never made a video, but I believe people run and record the replays at the slowest speed and speed it up afterwards using other video software to get the smoothest animation.