Could not detect any suitable screen modes
Ok, I went through all the threads regarding this problem and no solution works.
I always get this error when I try to launch LFS:
Could not detect any suitable screen modes
Probable error in graphics driver

I just installed a fresh copy of LFS on my PC.
It's a Acer 5920g laptop. 8600m GT.
I just reinstalled my nVidia drivers and used Driver Cleaner to clean possible trace before installing a fresh driver.
I've tried to set the game to launch in window mode, same problem happens.
Dxdiag says no problems.
And I have updated the DirectX 10 to... something, it just updated.
Also this comes up in the deb.txt file
LFS : 0.5Y
timer resolution 1 ms
read config
get command line
preinit d3d
number of adapters : 1
adapter 0 : no valid modes
Go into display properties, then to the Settings tab. Click Advanced. Go to the Troubleshoot tab. Ensure that hardware acceleration is on full.
Cant change any settings.
Seems as my monitor has no driver, is that normal?
As you can see I am using Vista.
Try windows install automaticaly drivers for you monitor

Or boot you pc and press f8 after windows boot , enter in safe mode (if Vista has) and check again the Hardware Aceleration
Quote from maxelmar :Cant change any settings.
Seems as my monitor has no driver, is that normal?
As you can see I am using Vista.

Go into dxdiag, then the display tab. Are you able to enable Direct3D and DirectDraw Acceleration in there?
it is all enabled
Where are the people who made this game :P

I need help.
OMG I have never seen an Icelandic LFS user
Quote from JO53PHS :OMG I have never seen an Icelandic LFS user

Thanks, U solved all of my problems :P

try this: Go into your LFS Folder and open cfg.txt. Search for "Screen Info" and set it up like this: Screen Info 0 60 1024 768.

Alternatively you could try your desktop resolution.

Hope it works,

It didn't work
Thanks though
This is so frustrating... bwaaa
Does that Laptop perhaps need a special driver from its manufactureur? Search for it on the Acer website, IIRC laptop graphics don't work well with the desktop drivers.
I have downloaded the correct driver from the Acer website...

Where's Scawen :'(
I'm doing some expirements with different video drivers...
I haven't been downloading the correct drivers

There's a difference between 5920 and 5920g haha
so now it works?
Quote from ACCAkut :so now it works?


...I found one thing I hate about this game... and it's a huge problem :Kick_Can_
Quote from maxelmar :Nope..... STILL BROKEN!

...I found one thing I hate about this game... and it's a huge problem :Kick_Can_

What's that? It doesn't work because you downloaded the wrong stuff for your laptop? That's not the games fault.
Quote from garph :What's that? It doesn't work because you downloaded the wrong stuff for your laptop? That's not the games fault.

Nothing is wrong on my laptop... I found out... again... that the drivers for 5920 and 5920g are the same and I have perfect working drivers...

I can't say that this is my fault as all other game works flawlessly
Help help help help...
Just did :/