This topic will be for the general discussion of all of the free practice sessions and the race that will occur over the weekend.
Any complaints about behavior or conduct shall be posted in the "Round 2 Penalties and Results" Thread.
I apologize for Race 1 T1, I hit someone fairly hard due to a misshift. Anyway, that race definitely did not go as planned.... especially since we only had 4 (?) green flag laps. I'm not sure who's to blame.. probably all of us
But I had fun in the practices regardless. Sorry to the organizers who had to put up with alot of crap from some of the racers. 
I think that race was a complete and utter disaster
IMO it was more like rush hour in the centre of London
Anyway, It was still fairly fun
Too true!
First of all, I'd like to apologise profusely for the crap choice of combo for this round. The (long and numerous) SC periods did not help. However, I was disgusted at some of the behaviour I saw, and those offenders will be sanctioned appropriately. The LFSBC is a place for people to learn about League Racing, and I'm sure that that race was not an indication of the many great races that happen in the vast majority of LFS Leagues.
Some of you behaved as I would expect - and I thank you for your patience and understanding.
I'm sorry for going in front of a couple of guys after i span out. i didn't see in the direction you came from and for some reason i just went for it. i should have waited for you to go by. And now to the reason of my spin: Mutt
He almost pushed me into the wall in turn... i think it's called turn 4. well anyway. the turn before i span out. and then he made it.
i think there was a lot of things he could have done to prevent this from happening without affecting his result 
Don't worry mate. There was much worse than you out there today.
Oh what a shame it didn't turn out how dekojester thought it would
Well tell what did i do bad in the race?
Being slow is good - your never involved in big accidents!
I don't know where to start
I (:snail
do totally agree. It was fun despite the difficulties, respect for the organisers 
Thanks Dean - Glad you could make it. Trust me - Round 1 was not like this at all.
You were quiet, yet I felt you enjoyed it. Welcome to the series.
Juurme is banned for at least Round 3, maybe more. Up for discussion between me and the admins.
heh. Honestly, I think this was a great experience. just from the rolling start and after SC period I improved my rolling start/ Green flag thingy A LOT.
Hyntty I'd like to say that you are really good. Great racing, too bad you had someone stickin right behind you which probably slowed you down.
Grats to ROB for the huge improvement.
And thank you the organizers as I found this to be a great experience. Only thing is, please give the appropriate sanctions and penalties to those who have not followed the rules. That will be a lesson for them.
Overall the race didnt go too well for most but it went well for me :P
Also, the long SC period was very usefull for people who were using the RB4 because of the tires not wearing as much as the full 12 laps. I'm surprised second place was in an LX.
Thanks for this race and I hope itll be a lesson for us all.
Pff i didnt do nothing bad at the real race,qual just only before the real qual i did...And do i get penaltyes when doing something bad at FP?
There were a few people who nearly killed me, but I don't think there's any need to moan about it, I only lost like 1 position when it happens, and then I'd make it back up...after all, it is the beginner's cup...
As for Juuretis...
I wiped someone out before T1 I think it was in the second race, it was because Juuretis seemingly refused to brake and drove me into him...about 50 metres before T1...
He passed out several times during several RED flags...and a yellow flag too...
He keeped ramming me during one of the sc laps, so I had suspension damage...
As I'm sure you know, in 2/2 races, he was forced to start from the rear of the grid...the only person to have this penalty...
He was generally a nuisance during the race, and I think he should be in SOME way punished...not a start from the rear, as that makes him crash other people...I think maybe a points deduction would be more appropriate...
EDIT: Curse my slow typing!
EDIT2: ooh post 666!
And from me too. Even with the worst setup I've ever driven with!
And from me
Thanks. Will do. You may think them too severe, but sod you!
My gamble didnt pay off at all. I started on Road_Normals, so I could go all race w/out stopping. But my suspension broke and I had to pit and decided to change to hybrids anyway
Lol Jack isn't exactly gonna punish himself
Under the safety car, where you are supposed to proceed with caution, you rammed stright into the back of me while i was trying to overturn TG44. Then, you pitted and flipped again.
You then started acting up and emanded a restart.
Also, before qualifying, you acted like a muppet.
You're lucky not to be banned from the series. If I was admin, I'd strongly challenge that 1 round ban.
Oh i did rammed u ? Maybe u stole my place on yel flag and i tryed to get it back? Or if it wasnt u then u just did brake too hard while im at ur back...And about the red flag...I though that it means we have to come to pit all, until someone said that no passing on red flag to me so i slowed down and wanted to let them pass me...And someone should put replay here i wanna see...
yes, Jatko and someone else (Can't remember the name) seemed to be confused over who was 3rd and who was 4th in the safety car lap...
I was 5th, and Jatko was in front of me. He drifted around T5 (I think) and spun off. About a lap later, he caught up, but took an extra position. IIRC it was sorted before green flag though...
Nope, it was at the start of the race, I started in 15th, and you were behind me...
And I would imagine that not passing under red is common sense, when you see that the whole field is bunched together at 40mph...
Also I would like to tell a general warning because I dont like giving names. READ THE RULES!!!! DO NOT PASS UNDER SC DEPLOYMENT, DO NOT PASS UNDER YELLOW FLAGS AND DO NOT PASS UNDER RED FLAGS!
I was crashed under yellow flaged by soeone who then passed me without me spinin or anything, I overtook him again cleanly and he hit me again to pass me again so I let him go. That was before restart.
Also, I was passed during Red Flag but thankfully I tolled him not to pass under Red Flag and he let me pass again.
Thats the major problems I think. Rules are there for a reason so please read them.
First time i flipped at the T1 and i didnt crash no one else...
I wasn't even talking about T1...
I totally agree.
Because i was mad that we wasted 1HR to get the race began, When the real race started ( 2nd ) i flipped my car and i was messed out, all that time and now i flipped also, i asked can i leave? u said NO well what i suppoused to do then? Be spectator and watch how other ppl races? i dont have all night just for that.
You do know that hybrids last longer than road normals. So it wasn't a gamble, it was plain stupid

Honestly, I dont see anything that the marshalls could have done better. It was 100% the fault of the drivers.
I think the medical cars and rescue cars should be scrapped.
In league series' like BOTT and MOE, they will have admins watching the race. They will also have a safety car as a seperate admin.
So instead of having names like LFSBC Medical Car, maybe have it like LFSBC Niall or something.
Just an idea
Well they could just give penalties for not following rules...
With the amount of crashes and accidents they probably didn't have time to worry about giving penalties
They didn't when I tried - my aggresive driving style
Bit Off Topic, but I'd like to thank the safety car, the marshalls and the race director (who is technically the safety car, meh) for the handling of the situation. When I saw the restart I thought "Ah ffs, this isn't needed" (not my thoughts exactly, but there are children on this forum :nod
, but after the restart I realised that it was much better.
Only 3 cars retired at the end of the race, which is the same amount that retired in round 1...
The whole thing could've gone tits up, but the officials kept it under control. Cheers
Yup, I agree. I did give out one stop-go, and he went mad
I think rules should be enforced more strictly (I know im an admin and all that...). If this is supposed to get people ready for other leagues, then I think it should be as strict as other leagues.
Im pretty sure they will. As you can see their already discussing penalties for juuretis.
If its not penalties on the spot they will probably lose the points they won during that race as penalty.
Juurme - i think the thing that has got everyone so riled up is the poor attitude... instead of just taking the admins decisions and waiting for help you wanted to argue and do things your way, not the way it works if you want to have respect...
I think we should have a different person for admin and Safety Car - dekojester can't do everything
Road tyres? No wonder you were drifting!
Thanks for the thanks, I really enjoyed the race, I was pissed off after Race 1 (I came second last :shy
, but now I'm much more confident. BRING ON ROUND 3!!! 
Yea well the penalties wouldn't be needed if the racers would behave.
I also hate retiring when it's not completely my fault. So i'd be grateful if some people wouldn't help me retire anymore. then i wont have to blame you
EDIT: sorry d I was writing when you wrote that post.
On track racing normals last longer. I dont know about dirt
True. As stupid as it may sound, I've got nothing agaist for example giving drive-trhu's or point reductions for causing a collision. It's just bad that no-one knows if you've actually read the rules or not.
I almost took the road tyres gamble after speaking to Jack but since I couldn't control it on road tyres I went for Hybrids... Glad I did
I think I had hybrids on rear and knobblys on front...or the other way around...
I had hybrids only. they're ok but when driving "alone" and trying to get a good lap time they are gone after 3 laps...
Best result so far! woo! that makes getting up at 5:30am a little more worthwhile
Well thank you! Thou as much as i've seen you drive, you've just been amazing yourself.
Indeed. I just hope people would realize, that their grid positions reflect their speed (i'm not talking about yo Mista .)), and that trying to forcefully overtake someone, who's started way more up than you is probably a mistake. I'm not saying you can't overtake, but just respect the fact, that whoever is in front of ou, IS IN FRONT of you
Jack, you couldn't be more wrong. The greatest setup there is and will ever be.
Any complaints about behavior or conduct shall be posted in the "Round 2 Penalties and Results" Thread.
I apologize for Race 1 T1, I hit someone fairly hard due to a misshift. Anyway, that race definitely did not go as planned.... especially since we only had 4 (?) green flag laps. I'm not sure who's to blame.. probably all of us

I think that race was a complete and utter disaster
IMO it was more like rush hour in the centre of London

Anyway, It was still fairly fun

Too true!
First of all, I'd like to apologise profusely for the crap choice of combo for this round. The (long and numerous) SC periods did not help. However, I was disgusted at some of the behaviour I saw, and those offenders will be sanctioned appropriately. The LFSBC is a place for people to learn about League Racing, and I'm sure that that race was not an indication of the many great races that happen in the vast majority of LFS Leagues.
Some of you behaved as I would expect - and I thank you for your patience and understanding.
I'm sorry for going in front of a couple of guys after i span out. i didn't see in the direction you came from and for some reason i just went for it. i should have waited for you to go by. And now to the reason of my spin: Mutt
He almost pushed me into the wall in turn... i think it's called turn 4. well anyway. the turn before i span out. and then he made it.

Don't worry mate. There was much worse than you out there today.

Oh what a shame it didn't turn out how dekojester thought it would

Well tell what did i do bad in the race?
Being slow is good - your never involved in big accidents!
I don't know where to start

I (:snail

Thanks Dean - Glad you could make it. Trust me - Round 1 was not like this at all.
You were quiet, yet I felt you enjoyed it. Welcome to the series.
Juurme is banned for at least Round 3, maybe more. Up for discussion between me and the admins.
heh. Honestly, I think this was a great experience. just from the rolling start and after SC period I improved my rolling start/ Green flag thingy A LOT.
Hyntty I'd like to say that you are really good. Great racing, too bad you had someone stickin right behind you which probably slowed you down.
Grats to ROB for the huge improvement.
And thank you the organizers as I found this to be a great experience. Only thing is, please give the appropriate sanctions and penalties to those who have not followed the rules. That will be a lesson for them.
Overall the race didnt go too well for most but it went well for me :P
Also, the long SC period was very usefull for people who were using the RB4 because of the tires not wearing as much as the full 12 laps. I'm surprised second place was in an LX.
Thanks for this race and I hope itll be a lesson for us all.
Pff i didnt do nothing bad at the real race,qual just only before the real qual i did...And do i get penaltyes when doing something bad at FP?

There were a few people who nearly killed me, but I don't think there's any need to moan about it, I only lost like 1 position when it happens, and then I'd make it back up...after all, it is the beginner's cup...
As for Juuretis...
I wiped someone out before T1 I think it was in the second race, it was because Juuretis seemingly refused to brake and drove me into him...about 50 metres before T1...
He passed out several times during several RED flags...and a yellow flag too...
He keeped ramming me during one of the sc laps, so I had suspension damage...
As I'm sure you know, in 2/2 races, he was forced to start from the rear of the grid...the only person to have this penalty...
He was generally a nuisance during the race, and I think he should be in SOME way punished...not a start from the rear, as that makes him crash other people...I think maybe a points deduction would be more appropriate...
EDIT: Curse my slow typing!
EDIT2: ooh post 666!
And from me too. Even with the worst setup I've ever driven with!
And from me

Thanks. Will do. You may think them too severe, but sod you!

My gamble didnt pay off at all. I started on Road_Normals, so I could go all race w/out stopping. But my suspension broke and I had to pit and decided to change to hybrids anyway

Lol Jack isn't exactly gonna punish himself

Under the safety car, where you are supposed to proceed with caution, you rammed stright into the back of me while i was trying to overturn TG44. Then, you pitted and flipped again.
You then started acting up and emanded a restart.
Also, before qualifying, you acted like a muppet.
You're lucky not to be banned from the series. If I was admin, I'd strongly challenge that 1 round ban.
Oh i did rammed u ? Maybe u stole my place on yel flag and i tryed to get it back? Or if it wasnt u then u just did brake too hard while im at ur back...And about the red flag...I though that it means we have to come to pit all, until someone said that no passing on red flag to me so i slowed down and wanted to let them pass me...And someone should put replay here i wanna see...
yes, Jatko and someone else (Can't remember the name) seemed to be confused over who was 3rd and who was 4th in the safety car lap...
I was 5th, and Jatko was in front of me. He drifted around T5 (I think) and spun off. About a lap later, he caught up, but took an extra position. IIRC it was sorted before green flag though...
Nope, it was at the start of the race, I started in 15th, and you were behind me...
And I would imagine that not passing under red is common sense, when you see that the whole field is bunched together at 40mph...
Also I would like to tell a general warning because I dont like giving names. READ THE RULES!!!! DO NOT PASS UNDER SC DEPLOYMENT, DO NOT PASS UNDER YELLOW FLAGS AND DO NOT PASS UNDER RED FLAGS!
I was crashed under yellow flaged by soeone who then passed me without me spinin or anything, I overtook him again cleanly and he hit me again to pass me again so I let him go. That was before restart.
Also, I was passed during Red Flag but thankfully I tolled him not to pass under Red Flag and he let me pass again.
Thats the major problems I think. Rules are there for a reason so please read them.
First time i flipped at the T1 and i didnt crash no one else...
I wasn't even talking about T1...

I totally agree.
Because i was mad that we wasted 1HR to get the race began, When the real race started ( 2nd ) i flipped my car and i was messed out, all that time and now i flipped also, i asked can i leave? u said NO well what i suppoused to do then? Be spectator and watch how other ppl races? i dont have all night just for that.
You do know that hybrids last longer than road normals. So it wasn't a gamble, it was plain stupid

Honestly, I dont see anything that the marshalls could have done better. It was 100% the fault of the drivers.
I think the medical cars and rescue cars should be scrapped.
In league series' like BOTT and MOE, they will have admins watching the race. They will also have a safety car as a seperate admin.
So instead of having names like LFSBC Medical Car, maybe have it like LFSBC Niall or something.

Just an idea

Well they could just give penalties for not following rules...
With the amount of crashes and accidents they probably didn't have time to worry about giving penalties

They didn't when I tried - my aggresive driving style

Bit Off Topic, but I'd like to thank the safety car, the marshalls and the race director (who is technically the safety car, meh) for the handling of the situation. When I saw the restart I thought "Ah ffs, this isn't needed" (not my thoughts exactly, but there are children on this forum :nod

Only 3 cars retired at the end of the race, which is the same amount that retired in round 1...
The whole thing could've gone tits up, but the officials kept it under control. Cheers


Yup, I agree. I did give out one stop-go, and he went mad

I think rules should be enforced more strictly (I know im an admin and all that...). If this is supposed to get people ready for other leagues, then I think it should be as strict as other leagues.

Im pretty sure they will. As you can see their already discussing penalties for juuretis.
If its not penalties on the spot they will probably lose the points they won during that race as penalty.
Juurme - i think the thing that has got everyone so riled up is the poor attitude... instead of just taking the admins decisions and waiting for help you wanted to argue and do things your way, not the way it works if you want to have respect...
I think we should have a different person for admin and Safety Car - dekojester can't do everything

Road tyres? No wonder you were drifting!
Thanks for the thanks, I really enjoyed the race, I was pissed off after Race 1 (I came second last :shy

Yea well the penalties wouldn't be needed if the racers would behave.
I also hate retiring when it's not completely my fault. So i'd be grateful if some people wouldn't help me retire anymore. then i wont have to blame you

EDIT: sorry d I was writing when you wrote that post.
On track racing normals last longer. I dont know about dirt

True. As stupid as it may sound, I've got nothing agaist for example giving drive-trhu's or point reductions for causing a collision. It's just bad that no-one knows if you've actually read the rules or not.
I almost took the road tyres gamble after speaking to Jack but since I couldn't control it on road tyres I went for Hybrids... Glad I did

I think I had hybrids on rear and knobblys on front...or the other way around...
I had hybrids only. they're ok but when driving "alone" and trying to get a good lap time they are gone after 3 laps...

Best result so far! woo! that makes getting up at 5:30am a little more worthwhile

Well thank you! Thou as much as i've seen you drive, you've just been amazing yourself.
Indeed. I just hope people would realize, that their grid positions reflect their speed (i'm not talking about yo Mista .)), and that trying to forcefully overtake someone, who's started way more up than you is probably a mistake. I'm not saying you can't overtake, but just respect the fact, that whoever is in front of ou, IS IN FRONT of you
Jack, you couldn't be more wrong. The greatest setup there is and will ever be.