The online racing simulator
Forzacentral TV - Cyber Racing World Championship Broadcasts
Cyber Racing World Championship have been working flat out to bring you all the action of their 2007 season in a fresh, unique format unlike any Forza video you've seen before. Each round is a television style broadcast, complete with commentary, graphics overlays, and some of the best wheel to wheel racing action you’re ever going to see!
Race #1 - - Sebring Short
Race #2 - – Mugello

What do you guys think?
Couple nights ago I actually had my first go at Forza 2 online... (on a 108" display at 1080p )

Aside from the tuner noobs that always want to drag race on Nord's long straight (lol), the netcode was quite good and racing wasn't so bad.

Pretty good broadcast footage here, great to watch. Except it is quite clear most people need wheels . I could never find a serious race on Xbox Live, so this is cool to see, and I wish I were there to race against you all .
"serberg ring"


That's some pretty clean racing out there.
CRWC - Round 3 - Suzuka West
Cool, seeing as Stage6 is down now, any chace we could get a mirror of the first two races?
Looking good. How did I manage to miss this one? Okay, I'm not good enough to take part in an event like this, but I'd have liked to follow the season.

Is there a way to spectate the races live from in-game? That'd be cool.
Can you not watch live races through Forza TV in game?
You can, but only if you can find the game you want, and that's not always easy.
I guess if one of the racers or hosts was on my friends list it might help
Very nice broadcast
I'd defenately like to see more stuff like this. As danowat already asked, any chance to see the first 2 races as well?

Great stuff

EDIT: they are already there:
Round 1
Round 2
Nice one, thanks for the links
Wow, Awesome series ill be watching this!
Anyone know why there's a limit of 8 cars in forza? Is it because the hardware can't handle anymore? I find it incredible stupid with only 8 cars, it's when there's 20+ cars the races become fun/interesting!
(ok, just saw the end results, 16 cars? i thought there was a 8 car limit, isnt it?)

The racing there looks good, sadly its impossible to find anything similar on xbox live..
Man i love these types of vids commentry and all epic. keep us posted

One hell of a race though was great to watch.
#16 - DeKo
Nice. I watched the other races at home a couple of days ago, I'll need to check this oen out too. It seems weird to me when it skips random laps though. I thought it was my connection or something at first, but I'd like to watch the entire hour's race

Any plans to expand to other streaming sites? Like YouTube with the new hi-res options? I can't install Flash 9 here at work and would like to watch at lunchtimes without flagging up my account as eating bandwidth
New broadcast is out, have been waiting a fair bit for this was checking back reguarly and its quite a good race. And love a few bits of RL stuff thrown in for good messure.
and tips for the constructors here?

im saying Porsche.
Cant say ive learnt all the drivers names yet, but the move down the middle by the porche that was impressive.
Quote from AstroBoy :Cant say ive learnt all the drivers names yet, but the move down the middle by the porche that was impressive.

Black magic. I think Burty burt burt will win the title, he seems to be consistant in every race, the porsche should win the constructors though becuase both there drivers are capaple of podiums.
This game supports the G25 wheel or i need to get the 360 special wheel?...
btw how the hell they make 16 drivers on a single racetrack... or there are different servers?
Quote from Berty BERT BERT :xbox 360 does not support G25 wheel .

Also product we're using does not support 16 in 1 room which sucks, so we run 2 rooms of 8 and emalgamate 'total race times' for all drivers. This factor makes the editing quite a challenge but hopefully some viewers out there will appreciate the end result.

Wow im amazed, the end result is fantastic.

what was with the selection of cars, and what car would you most prefer to be in out of the grid?
Believe it or not, I've watched each broadcast entirely and I never even thought about the fact that the races were limited to 8 people and had been spliced together - I guess that means you're all doing something right

I'd love the chance to race against y'all sometime though. I absolutely suck at everything, from setting up a car to braking in the right places and would like to get the chance to learn. I'm really looking forward to the rest of the series.