It crashed, and they lost a lot of stuff from the DB. Gradually recovering things now, so the over-moderated and terribly organised waste of a forum can continue to operate.
At least I can still select the old template style, which is vaguely nice to use.
RAID array failure, incompetance by the hosting company, much lost data in fragmented little chunks that needed to be reassembled manually (and that work is still continuing)... it's been a nightmare to fix.
vBulletin's nightly backups 'mysteriously' stopped backing up everything at the start of December, hence the data loss on everything *except* actual thread/post data (i.e. forums, PMs, etc.)... By 'mysteriously', I mean that no-one knows why... but I find it hard to believe that it wasn't fiddled with by someone who thought they'd be smart.
Regardless, as much data as possible is being recovered manually (as I3D refused to let the array rebuild itself, for some strange reason, and opted instead to install a new array and provide the disk contents to us).
Bull. One mistake at the commandline and all your files go away. An application could corrupt the files. RAID controller failure and you have to piece it together by hand like James seems to be doing now. A power surge could wipe out all your drives and take most of the other hardware with it. A fire could take down your entire system and the data in it. The possibilities are endless. Do NOT trust RAID as your sole "backup" solution.
Oh believe me, I'm certainly not doing it. Was asked and refused - I'd rather keep my sanity... I've seen what it's done to the others who have been working on it
Heh, I know a guy that does data recovery for a living, so I know what you mean. His big fat pay-cheque helps him cope though. People are generally more willing to spend when the shit hits the fan than they are when it comes to paying for proper backup solutions in the first place.