The online racing simulator
Beautiful Katamari
(11 posts, started )
Beautiful Katamari
Anyone got this?, I decided to get it after playing the demo, my daughter and missus loved it too.

The full game turned up yesterday, sure it's a bit light on content, but I have not laughed so much at a game for a long time, it's just totally mental.

It's cheaper than buying acid, but the effect is the same, the whole thing is just like one big acid trip LOL
Sorry, possible spoiler alert if you wanted to play the game (but only if I've got the right one in mind)

I'm sorry, but I just don't "get" this game.. If I remember correctly it's one where you roll around a big Katamari (a ball with sticky feet), in order to collect stuff, so that you can send it to space, to put the stars back in the sky?!
Yup, thats it in a nutshell, it's awesome LOL
I couldn't get my head around that game... Very addictive though, and pretty good to relax to
I played the demo months ago (I assume i must've been on my US account) and again when it got added over here. It's bloody weird but I enjoyed it a lot. Not sure it warrants the full-price release though.
ive been wanting to play katamari damacy for years now and ive even toyed with the idea of buying a ps2 only for that game
i wish theyd release a pc version of it
Not sure its worth full price, and there's a lot of DLC for it which some people say is already on the disc and what you download just unlocks it ... which is a complete rip off to buy a game and then have to buy items/features/levels that are already on the disc you paid for, and even have achievements for buying the DLC, thats ridiculous.

I'll stick with n+, hours of fun
I had heard that, and if that was the case for the Euro version, I certainly wouldn't buy an DLC, but the game is such a larf, heck the intro had me in stitches!!! LOL
I have played Katamari Demacy, and I can tell ya this - As dano tells, it`s a big acid trip, but DAMN it`s funny as hell
I had to play throught the game twice before getting bored of it.
The only game I've played in full 1080p HD on a 60" screen. Amazing.
Quote from DeadWolfBones :The only game I've played in full 1080p HD on a 60" screen. Amazing.

You should have played one with good graphics...

Beautiful Katamari
(11 posts, started )