The online racing simulator
(30 posts, started )
Yes, Thats right A XF GTi Drift setup
sorry bout that just got the hand of it

sorry wrong 1 i have 2 its this 1

XF GTI_drift2.set

Trust me it works
Attached files
XF GTI_drift2.set - 132 B - 3578 views
Prepare to get your :bananadea proof suit ready.
Why dont you just post the set......and considering your a demo racer, and that your drifting the gti, sets can be found in your data/settings folder.
#4 - ekze
FWD can't drift! illepall
Quote from ekze :FWD can't drift! illepall the real definition of the word drift, and it can too..
Haha, okay, for pedantics sake let's say a front wheel drive vehicle can not powerslide.
Back on the topic - enter that in a drift competition, see what the reaction is.
Well, it can. And it can't.

If you think drifting as simple as sliding a car around a corner, yeah, FWD can "drift". But if you think about it more in a more refined matter.. a drift = starting the slide before the corner, and linking several corners. That's something that "ass-dragging" won't work with.
.. no one ever said to drift you have to be in some sort of competition FWD cars can 'drift' by the definition of drift.. not the sport drift..

i know very few drifters in LFS that actually know the meaning of drift.. its gotten way from what it should be, now its trying to get a rwd car to get as sideways as possible.. yes that is drifting in today's standards.. but thats not what the definition of the word drift.. is

also.. get a fwd car and take it to the road and see what you come up with, i've been in a fwd golf 3 gti do it before.. its not fake
Well, its a big thing these days wether an FWD can drift or not but just in simple terms, it can. Although it might be harder to do the things that RWD's can, in simple terms, its still possible. XCNuse, since it seems you know the actual meaning behind the definition of the sport drift, enlighten all of us of it.

Chubbs46, just upload the setup itself so people don't have to go in and switch back and forth to make the setup. Easier on people and it'll make you look better . It's in Live For Speed\Data\Settings\GTI_"driftsetup blah blah"
"Sliding" in an FWD on LFS is fun, so is it in the real world.
oh the sport? i dont know really anything about the sport, all i know about the sport drifting is that the wider the angle and the faster.. the more points you get, but the actual meaning of drift is.. well.. here is what has to offer (has been my proof for a while of this topic)
.. okay doesnt have what mr webster has to say, but this is close enough to what im getting at:

#4 B. To vary from or oscillate randomly about a fixed setting, position, or mode of operation.

technically.. anything can drift.. if you really want it to

thing is, everyone sees drifting as the actual sport.. not the actual meaning of it thats the problem really, its not that they are wrong by seeing it that way, im just showing that there is a whole lot more to the word 'drifting' that just going sideways in a rwd car.. thats all
Drifting is all four wheels, ie "Drifting" across the road.
Pushing and Sliding are pretty obvious. Those are pretty old-school racing terms, though.
So it isn't really drifting, it's "Sliding," in which case, a FWD can do it.

But Chubbs, you really should take that onto a demo server and try twin with a RWD. Tell us how you go.
#13 - DmcL
i own a rwd and a fwd car. fwd can drift its just a bit different and harder to get right. as for entering the corner and going sideways the full way and possibly linking another in after the trick is to be coming in to the corner on the limit of grip (a little understeer in say 3rd gear) then plop down in to 2nd and maybe dab the brakes and lift off the throttle, this should carry the rear out and you counter and hey presto. as for linking another thats even more tricky you could tap the handbrake or if your still sideways from the forst corner and the second is the other direction floor it so the front end grips suddenly and flicks the back around then lift off again.

you also dont need knobblies on the back to drift, just higher pressure rear and lower front and a very stiff rear anti roll bar to promote lifting the inside rear wheel.
FWDs can drift, I had a video with a couple FWD cars drifting IRL in Japan I think and they drifted like RWD cars, always sideways, linking all corners, almost always opposite lock. That video was pretty amazing, changed your whole perspective on how FWD cars can be driven and what theyre capable of doing with the right setup at the right hands. Now if I could just find it...
#15 - DmcL
think ive seen that too. was it a white-ish EF civic with skinnies on the back?
Quote from Matrixi :Well, it can. And it can't.

If you think drifting as simple as sliding a car around a corner, yeah, FWD can "drift". But if you think about it more in a more refined matter.. a drift = starting the slide before the corner, and linking several corners. That's something that "ass-dragging" won't work with.

Take the GP track chicane i can chain drift through that
heres pics to prove i can

Attached images
GTi Chicane Drift 1.bmp
GTi Chicane Drift 2.bmp
Quote from Kosmo :FWDs can drift, I had a video with a couple FWD cars drifting IRL in Japan I think and they drifted like RWD cars, always sideways, linking all corners, almost always opposite lock. That video was pretty amazing, changed your whole perspective on how FWD cars can be driven and what theyre capable of doing with the right setup at the right hands. Now if I could just find it...

attach a link to view then
#18 - Jakg
Quote from Chubbs46 :attach a link to view then

read the last sentance of the quote...
It's not that video , but nice too Click
Put it this way, FWD cars arent the best cars to drift with.
You know what? I can't stand setups that use the least sticky tires possible in the rear. Real drifting is about total control, the kind you get with as much grip as possible. The way to break traction isn't by not having any traction to begin with. I am attaching my own XF GTi drift setting for others to try. Don't mind the setup name =).

Also. I don't like that people just disavow the fact that front drive cars can't drift. THEY CAN. Drifting is the art of getting around corners by controlled loss of traction at 1 or more axle. PERIOD. Smashing the gas, spinning the rear tires, and sliding around is called POWERSLIDING. Powersliding is a form of drifting ,but not drifting as a whole.
Attached files
XF GTI_Dorifto!.set - 132 B - 731 views
True. Anyone who has watched the Drift Bible knows that in real life drifters try to go as fast as possible with maximum friction and that most of drifting is controlled with the brakes rather than the accelerator.
But that's real life. All the FZ50 drifting on road normals in LFS is the complete opposite, all accelerator and inertia thanks to the fact that the most powerful street car is a rear-mount monster.
can u attach the drift bible i have not seen it
#25 - Gunn
Quote from Live for Sideways :True. Anyone who has watched the Drift Bible knows that in real life drifters try to go as fast as possible with maximum friction and that most of drifting is controlled with the brakes rather than the accelerator.
But that's real life. All the FZ50 drifting on road normals in LFS is the complete opposite, all accelerator and inertia thanks to the fact that the most powerful street car is a rear-mount monster.

Initiated by brakes, not controlled by.

Anyway FF can't drift. Lol.

(30 posts, started )