when i start my InSim it gives me an error that it crashes, see the image below:
I load it and when i Debug it, it highlights this :
Please, if you can help, please post at the bottom, My team are so upset
when i start my InSim it gives me an error that it crashes, see the image below:
I load it and when i Debug it, it highlights this :
[SIZE=2]InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton([/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=#a31515]"^1Admin "[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=2] + Connections[GetConnIdx(NCN.UCID)].IsAdmin, [/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=#2b91af]Flags[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=2].[/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=#2b91af]ButtonStyles[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=2].ISB_CLICK, 5, 10, 0, 40, 45, NCN.UCID, 2, [/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=#0000ff]false[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=2]);[/SIZE]
Please, if you can help, please post at the bottom, My team are so upset