The online racing simulator
Tire deformation - Slip angle test
Hi guys,

Rather than dig up an old thread that might not remain entirely on topic I thought I'd make a new one. For those of you that have never seen a tire test, check this out from the Delft facility:

This is one way that engineers come up with the slip angle versus lateral force curves for real tires. Here we see a "drum test," named after the large steel drum the tire is rolling on. Other tests include flat belt tests where there's no curvature; sort of like a giant belt sander with treated steel sheet (a little more accurate), and tests where the tire is towed on a big trailer over a real road surface.

For racing sim developers, this is a great way to get a look at tire deformation in controlled circumstances too
Wow nice find
It's cool and all but a single JPG would have been as interesting to watch.
If only these test rigs would go up to more interesting slip angles, instead of only to 6-10°. I guess the more expensive ones can do that, but their expensiveness usually comes with high secrecy about the gained data

Also, an actively driven wheel to investigate force combining would be very interesting.
Quote from AndroidXP :Also, an actively driven wheel to investigate force combining would be very interesting.

Especially if they'd drop a squirrel onto the barrel while simulating it.
That would be a great video if only you could actually make anything out...

Quote from spankmeyer :Especially if they'd drop a squirrel onto the barrel while simulating it.

Nah. Hedgehog would be better.