The online racing simulator
Nice! Thanks. I didn't know that. Kinda cool name actually

Quote from tristancliffe :This is how false information is created. Netkar will ship initially with both a sampled sound engine and a synthesised sound engine. It will be up to the user to choose which to use, and the less popular will probably be removed from NetKar (or indeed merged into the better system, but thats not been mentioned by Stefano).

Thanks for the correction.
TO ME the best are GTL sounds, they might not be perfect some may say, but the best so far i've ever heard whether in terms of Revs, fidelity or anythin else..

anyway, LFS sounds are cool on revs but they still need a lotta work... maybe we'll get a similar GTL sounds quality on that up coming S3..

but dont get me wrong , i still like the sim, i drive on LFS since day one ! back to that first demo ever ! lol but i've given it a gooood brake since GTL was just waiting for some good tire physics update..

anyway, that was my point of view concerning sounds..and no need to tell that rfactor's sounds are crap !

happy new year ,

Quote from tristancliffe :This is how false information is created. Netkar will ship initially with both a sampled sound engine and a synthesised sound engine. It will be up to the user to choose which to use, and the less popular will probably be removed from NetKar (or indeed merged into the better system, but thats not been mentioned by Stefano).

Where did you find out this information? It will be fine if you linked the source here... you know... just to not create false information!!!

All I've read is that NKP will use synthetic sounds, not samplers. The big argument, of course, is the fidelity to the simulation things, same of LFS. But, is easier to believe that is a cheaper way to implement sounds, do not taking the risk of a rights process.

I believe LFS sounds can be a lot better than today, even using synthetic sounds.
If you read AutoSimSport (which I'm sure you do, as all sim-racing fans should [and I have nothing to do with it before anyone says 'plug']), then you'll have noticed the article on pages 7 - 9 of issue 11. On page 8, in the central column, you'll find the remark in question.

That'll teach you to question my all seeing eye, muhahahahahahahahah

P.S. That last bits a joke, in case anyone suffers a sense of humour failure.
Quote from tristancliffe :Scavier means Scawen, Victor and Eric. It's not an official term, but one the community dreamt up.

Hmm, I always thought the devs must have came up with is as it's been on official skins and in-game banners since S1 at least.

Anyway I'm glad the devs have taken the approach they have with the sounds but no doubt there is a huge amount of improvement to be made and I'd hope it might come before S3.
i think the lfs engines got a terrible sound.

But this thread is not about how it sounds but how the sound behaves.
Quote from SlamDunk :But this thread is not about how it sounds but how the sound behaves.

True. It's the way it behaves and it tells you exactly what is going on with the car. Even though it doesn't sound good to the ear, I'll take it as a tool to tell me what is going on with the car and with grip over wav files that change pitch depending on what the game says your tachometer is and what the pitch should be any day
well i prefer a sound that sounds like a car, even if it is not as 'exact' as the lfs sound.

but well, i like playing quake with textures and lightning even if it's more difficult to see the enemys. it's just more pretty. i know that's noobtalk.
The way the engine sounds in lfs are produced, or whatever is great. Bit I miss something.

In the rFactor clip you could hear how the gravel and dirt was throwed from the weels and up in the body of the car. In LFS I feel there is almost only the engine sound. No sounds from within the car, only the engine.
Quote from MyBoss :The way the engine sounds in lfs are produced, or whatever is great. Bit I miss something.

In the rFactor clip you could hear how the gravel and dirt was throwed from the weels and up in the body of the car. In LFS I feel there is almost only the engine sound. No sounds from within the car, only the engine.

Indeed. Lack of all kind of little sounds is one of the negative sides of LFS.

And I hate that loud ridiculous "crashing" sound. I use headphones with master volume set to nearly 100% and in major crashes my ears hurt.
oh yeah, that crashing sound is really annoying. crashing is annoying enough, but this noise terror in addition sometimes really drives me mad :P.
the rev limiter sounds great
I wonder if that guy filmed that himself or did someone record his normal driving session without telling the guy

I think this guy is retarded.
Quote from L(Oo)ney :ROFL.

Crazy frog has nothing on this guy. Best sound effects, EVER!

Funny you should say that...

EDIT: The car in the video sounded liked it was choking for some reason, especially turning left under the bridge. Also in the end it sounded like there was some terminal damage somewhere - maybe a new advanced version of LFS?
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#48 - Don
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Quote from deggis :

Incredible! Scawen should hire Nakkitartsani to make new sound engine.

Haha, remindes me about the first clip "with sound of S2" (a clip of a FO8 travling past some slower cars with the "braaaaa-priii-prii-priiiiioooooooaaa" sound..
Poat: ... 1956915&postcount=215

Hey, I managed to find a thread/post at RSC