The online racing simulator
Yet another DFP problem
(4 posts, started )
Yet another DFP problem
i plugged in my wheel today, and went for a game of LFS and realised it wouldnt centre properly, it was showing slightly to the left was centre, which it wasnt!

i came out and recalibrated the wheel, and then did it in game and put calibration lock and and yet the problem persists.

i opened dxtweak2 and it showed the following (view attached)

im not sure how to get the wheel centrered as i really dont bother messing around with this stuff ussually; as long as it works fine im happy.

the image shows me holding the wheel centre, and thats the input it shows in dxtweak?!?
Attached images
thanks for the help.....................

did a reinstall, all is fine.
You did a reinstall of what? The profiler software and drivers?

I have the same problem, but worse. The wheel wanders while I am driving. It will reset center at any place on the wheel. I could have the wheel turned 90° to the left, but the car is driving straight.
If I center the wheel physically, and wiggle it back and forth, eventually it centers back up. If I do the same, but have the wheel turned, it will center up with the drivers almost anywhere. I can see hitches in the movement using DXTweak. The force locks for less than 900° also seem off center.
This is driving me nuts. I can't drive LFS at all, or any other game for that matter.
I did try reinstalling the drivers, but it did not seem to help.
i reinstalled the whole lot, the software and drivers.

theres a thread on here somewhere about that issue your having, search for dfp calibration. its a sticky thread also.

Yet another DFP problem
(4 posts, started )