Ok so I took my G25 up to my uncles, set his nice big HDTV up with the PS3, got a nice table to set the G25 up on, all nice.
Load up prologue, jump into a Golf.....Physics on Professional, no traction control or ASM, anything that would give me driving aids I turned off. Load onto the High Speed Ring track....now this is probably me being all picky, but the graphics arent as good as the videos made them out to be, the tracks could easily in some cases be mistaken for the PS2's GT4 version, I mean compare high speed ring and you'll see what I mean. The cars do look really nice granted but they feel so out of place on such underwhelming visual tracks. I even noticed in this era of consoles and graphics that GT5:P didnt have anti-aliasing, so visable jagged edges
It actually took me a while to realise you had to push the top button on the G25's gear controls to get the clutch working at the start of every race :S
Now to add to that dissapointment, the AI feels as dumb as the last GT, and while I really enjoyed my GT I was expecting some progress, ecspecially with all the power of the Cell chip.
So lets head online, one thing I must say from getting from the menu to a full 12 man (only 12

) is very easy, simply press start, it will join you to a race thats about to start. So I was impressed with that part.....until, now without going on too much I'll point whats wrong with this, remembering that online gaming is the future, the XBOX360 would be crap without XBOX Live etc...
- First off, people go invisible when is detects they are driving in an 'unusual manor', this generally means when they managed to spin the car or crashed into a barrier etc. Numerous times has thier car ended up inside mine, and when it returns them to be 'real' again, the car feels like its crashed and spins out...
- Rolling starts....this is what I hate about GT, rolling starts, I dont mind it on single player, but why on online....
- No real filtering. As I said before, you press start and in literally 30 seconds your in a race. This brings the bad point of there ALWAYS being idiots on the track, I get taken out left right and centre, its like racing on a pinball table...
- This one made me laugh, a few people when I was on last night managed to win the race by foot down all the time and hitting the side barriers side on, this didnt lose them much speed and generally caused thier car to be faster by not braking...
- Drafting....we all know this is a real physic, but GTs drafting seems way too strong. And I draft a lot, its so easy to catch up to someone without trying from 100 metres away. However for some reason when you get within like a metre of the car your drafting ready to take over them, it propels them forward...wtf is that about.
I have to say at this point GT5 is a big dissapointment, I never minded the physics being pretty bad, but the online experience is fustrating, crap and unexciting.