Problem with frps
(6 posts, started )
Problem with frps

I am having trouble with my frps on my pc, i am running,

Q6600 proccessor
2gb ram

The frame rate runs at 60 frps no matter what i do with the setting is this normal?? i have change the limit frame rate setting and this has made no difference, I am also dropping frps at the start of race to about 30.

With the spec computer I have should i be expecting more??
can you feel the difference between 60 and 120 FPS?? turn off v-sync and you'll get more frames. Dunno about 30fps in start
Make sure minimum sleep is on 1ms, and check your Hz.
The FPS drop at start is normal if you are racing with alot of people or AI. This is because (I'm kind of guessing here) all the physics calculations for all the cars in the field have to go through the CPU. You don't need to worry about getting a better CPU or overclocking it because this is normal. This game is single-threaded so it only uses 1 of the 4 cores and hopefully one day we can utilize more cores.
But you might want to test some other graphic settings too. I had AA at 8xQ with supersampling and i got 10-15 fps on one spot in Blackwood. I changed the setting to multisampling and used 16xQ and I get a steady 60 FPS (I limited it to my monitor's refresh rate).
By the way, what kind of PC do you have? I know you posted the specs but is it custom-built or a brand name? Just curious.
Simple, sounds like verticle sync is on, turn it off, and we all know it can get that low at the start of a race, but IMO it shouldn't, your system's a little quicker than mine, and with a full field max gfx, 4xAA and 16XAF I average 40-60 at start. Maybe you have your gfx settings even higher than mine, which would require custom hi-res skins, I dunno. Are you running an extremely high resolution? I'm running typical these days, 1680x1050.
Force vertical sync off in the Nvidia Control panel. That could be your problem.

Problem with frps
(6 posts, started )