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A Movie Question
(13 posts, started )
A Movie Question
What is the best movie or game that has lots to do with Sniping or a Sniper?
#2 - Bean0
Sniper starring Tom Berenger springs to mind immediately.

The sniper mission at Chernobyl in COD4 is probably the best level of any single player FPS I've played.
Quote from Bean0 :Sniper starring Tom Berenger springs to mind immediately.

The sniper mission at Chernobyl in COD4 is probably the best level of any single player FPS I've played.

ok thx i would get COD 4 but my computer can't run it i'll try the sniper movie thx
Sniper Elite has one very cool 'bullet cam' feature. unfortunately the rest of the game ain't so great. But if there's a demo, or you can pick it up for a couple of euro's it will keep you amused for an hour or two.

Or if reality is your bag, then how about Armed Assault. Making your own missions is as simple as falling of a log, but there are plenty of good quality missions to be found over at Armaholic.

As far as movies are concerned, the one that comes to my mind is Enemy at the Gate. It's not the best film ever made, and is purely fictitious, but again, will fill in a couple of hours or so
Quote from Mazz4200 :Sniper Elite has one very cool 'bullet cam' feature. unfortunately the rest of the game ain't so great. But if there's a demo, or you can pick it up for a couple of euro's it will keep you amused for an hour or two.

Or if reality is your bag, then how about Armed Assault. Making your own missions is as simple as falling of a log, but there are plenty of good quality missions to be found over at Armaholic.

As far as movies are concerned, the one that comes to my mind is Enemy at the Gate. It's not the best film ever made, and is purely fictitious, but again, will fill in a couple of hours or so

ok thx i've never heard of the movie "Enemy at the Gate" but i'll check it out and i've heard of Armed Assault but never tried but i'm going to try it so thx
Having just read your reply to Beano, then i think you'll have problems running Armed Assault. It sucks the life out of the most powerful computers...

But, here's a youtube clip of Sniper Elite It's not that bad a game tbh, the graphics arn't all that bad, and it does run on less powerful machines. Have a look, see if it's what you're after.
#7 - Bean0
If you just want to shoot things using a scoped rifle, the Deerhunter series from Atari is great fun.
Attached images
Quote from Mazz4200 :Having just read your reply to Beano, then i think you'll have problems running Armed Assault. It sucks the life out of the most powerful computers...

But, here's a youtube clip of Sniper Elite It's not that bad a game tbh, the graphics arn't all that bad, and it does run on less powerful machines. Have a look, see if it's what you're after.

ok i'll watch that vid and ya the requirements don't look that good for Armed Assault because my system specs are:

Video Card:Mobile Intel 915GM/GMS, 910GML Express ChipSet
Video Card Memory:128mb

and whats really wierd is i can't play any new games but i can play AA (America's Army) it just takes about 15 min to load game and 5 min to load map
#9 - SamH
Poor Bambi!
(wark) DELETED by wark
Shooter was a pretty good movie to see at the dollar theater.
I remember some video game (falling into the higher budget cagegory), where you were a WW2 (Allied) agent killing targets in Germany.

The shooter is a pretty decent movie (but nothing special).
The mentioned Jarhead is a freakin' good movie!

A Movie Question
(13 posts, started )