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Nokia N95 Applications?
(4 posts, started )
Nokia N95 Applications?
I recently got my hands on a Nokia N95 8GB and was wondering what everyone here thought the best applications for it were. I currently have the following installed: Google Maps, Fring, ShoZu, Screenshot, Nokia Internet Radio, Y-Browser, Y-Tasks and ExtGPS.

Recommendations for other stuff please
#2 - Krane
DivX Player

If you have no dataplan, Opera Mini is cheaper choice for occasional browsing than the Nokia browser.

IfInfo and Device Status if you need to tinker with it :nerd:
Quote from Krane :DivX Player

If you have no dataplan, Opera Mini is cheaper choice for occasional browsing than the Nokia browser.

IfInfo and Device Status if you need to tinker with it :nerd:

Ooh, DivX Player is a good call! Thanks! And between my first post and this I've installed emTube. Rather good app!

I'm on a (so-called) unlimited data plan. The Nokia browser is doing a good job for me, rendering most stuff well...and I get Flash too (Which I don't think Opera Mini has). So I'll stick with the Nokia one. Thanks for the suggestions anyway!
#4 - Lible
MobiTube (Didn't get emtube to work properly, they're pretty similar really apart from the user interface)

CorePlayer - THE best media player for S60 (Plays Matroska, AVI, PS, M2TS, TS, 3GPP, MOV, MPEG-4, OGM) and does so absolutely smoothly on my E60 (with decent 416x352 H.264 video - I can even see subtitles!

Once Opera Mobile 9 (not Opera Mini) comes out I'll be using that, currently on Opera Mini.

That's about all I really use

Nokia N95 Applications?
(4 posts, started )