I'm hoping to improve my online galleries at some point. I used to use Simpleviewer, which was great when I had very few pictures, and worked out of Picasa.
Now I use JAlbum with a slightly customised Bananalbum skin, but it's still a bit too slow and naff for other people to use. I'm sure my host (Dreamhost) is part of the speed problem, and that can't be helped... I also use another skin for the video gallery, which is okay, but not great either. Is there also a better way of managing galleries of videos? I won't ask what good video/audio codecs to use, because that's a forum worth of discussion in itself!
Do people here run large galleries (e.g. 20 or 30 sections with up to 700 photos in each one)? Is there a free (or very cheap) solution, that also have clever stuff like slideshows, watermarking etc. Preferably one that works with JAlbum or Picasa, though I could change if it's that much better
It's really annoying - you'd think the net would be overrun by cheap/free decent album generators, but it seems not.
I'm hoping to improve my online galleries at some point. I used to use Simpleviewer, which was great when I had very few pictures, and worked out of Picasa.
Now I use JAlbum with a slightly customised Bananalbum skin, but it's still a bit too slow and naff for other people to use. I'm sure my host (Dreamhost) is part of the speed problem, and that can't be helped... I also use another skin for the video gallery, which is okay, but not great either. Is there also a better way of managing galleries of videos? I won't ask what good video/audio codecs to use, because that's a forum worth of discussion in itself!
Do people here run large galleries (e.g. 20 or 30 sections with up to 700 photos in each one)? Is there a free (or very cheap) solution, that also have clever stuff like slideshows, watermarking etc. Preferably one that works with JAlbum or Picasa, though I could change if it's that much better

It's really annoying - you'd think the net would be overrun by cheap/free decent album generators, but it seems not.