The online racing simulator
Tweaked road cars on special track layouts
This is out of date now (16.11.2008). And "out of business".

I'm quite bored with LFS so I started experimenting with tweaked cars on tracks with layouts and here's what I've come up with.
By using the LFStune 1.0 beta I've made a simple power preset to boost the power of the XRT slightly:

Shameless screen edit :P

The goal is to have "new content" in terms of changed track configurations (layouts) and powerful cars. The more powerful cars offer more challenge to the driver while the track layouts make the tracks a bit different. Also, by using the layouts the LFSworld personal best times and track records are not affected because the layouts have been deliberately made to slower the lap times.

Quote :How to join:
(download the below and extract it to where you want. The file includes the LFStune app and the tweak preset. The layouts are not needed to join. You may edit/twea and modify the tweaks/layouts as much as you want, just make sure that the layouts are slow enough so the tweaked cars don't mess people's LFSworld lap times).
1) start LFS (version Y)
2) start LFS tune
3) start single player
3.1) load some track and load XRT
4) load the tweak file ("Test1_LX8_XR8_FZ8.ltp") in LFStune and apply it
5) Join my host "Hypertest". PASSWORD IS: candy
link for LFSjoin: lfs://|Hypertest|1|S2|/

If you get an error message and are automatically kicked out, you may need to reapply the tweak. Press Apply button in LFStune and load the XRT again in the single player mode and then try to connect again.

Quote :LFS software requirements:
LFS version Y. Testpatches and different than Y LFS versions do not work with LFStune
- To "update" from Yx to Y you need to download and install the files in the zip(Thx ussbeethoven )
The goes to LFS/data/abc and the LFS.exe goes to LFS root folder (replace the files, remember to backup these files first)

For some reason the above method does not work with everyone so you may need to download and install the full Y version:

Server status: OFFLINE
Online until: ...

Read the instructions and come racing. Relaxed rules, friendly atmosphere and hopefully good racing. Imho these are great cars to race, lots of power and still good for close fights. No need to worry about setups either, I try to have one good one to share

Notice: The tweak edits the LFS.exe memory but not permanently. Closing LFStune and restarting LFS will reset all changes made by LFStune. All replays driven with LFStune enabled will not run without LFStune being enabled with the original LFStune settings. Racing on the Hypertest server will not cause any issues with LFSworld and your personal best lap times are not affected because the slower layouts used.

EDIT: added the tweak and lyouts
EDIT2: teaser
Attached files - 6.7 KB - 501 views - 55.2 KB - 393 views
sounds cool
Server online, today racing on AS3R with some new interesting corners. Read the instructions and come racing. Later tonight we might even see an LX7 on the track
Looks cool. Will most likely have a look tonight.
EDIT: going strong
Maybe this will getmore people interested
Same joining instructions
(ussbeethoven) DELETED by ussbeethoven
Scrabby, in case you are reading this, try to re-apply the tweak, you are doing something wrong
Quote from ussbeethoven :This files should work to restore Y if you're running any following test patch.

Hi. I just downloaded your files and then went to open LFS. I got a message saying "could not load font".

Any help?
indeed didnt worked for me, i had the extractable file in my folder of patch Y, so re-dl it
(ussbeethoven) DELETED by ussbeethoven
Thanks will give it a try.

EDIT: Worked! Thanks.
If you are driving offline, please post here what you think about the layouts and the tweaks

The LX7 feels quite nice on the AS3r layout
Thx all who joined, especially troy and Devil64, was good close racing.

More coming tomorrow
Server is online. Read the instructions and come racing. Today we are racing on Aston 7 layout.

Welcome all!
We are doing some few more races, still enough time to join. I have the 400bhp XRT and the LX7 available. Great close racing!

Come choose your weapons and try to catch troy
Great races again, thanks all who joined . A few more would make thing even more interesting but at least the racing is close and fair.

Tomorrow again new layout, hope to see some new faces as well, even if it is friday! More info tomorrow .
And we are back in business. Today racing in Westhill rev with some added danger in a form of layout. Cars allowed are LX7 and XRZ

Read the instructions in first post and come racing!

EDIT: cya tomorrow, hopefully more people racing
#19 - Jakg
I'll finish my work and try to drop by and say "Hi".
The server is online again.

Probably last time for a while so better get in if you want to race the LX7. Look the first post for the joinining instructions.

Racing at Fern bay gold with few added turns
I'll try to get there after work if it's still up.
Ok, thanks all who joined (even DWB for spinning with mouse)

Anyone, feel free to steal any ideas and use the layouts as you wish. Edit/tweak/modify, feel free. Just don't make the chicanes too fast .

Hope to host more races later this year, no promises though. Cya all.

EDIT: updated the first post with all the stuff...
Also How do I install all of this!
Back from the dead!

Today, AS2 with layout. Come drive the LX7!

See first post for joining instructions!

Server online now

EDIT: forgot to say, everyone who joins gets a setup
EDIT2: been really quiet, maybe I'll try later with better luck (server offlined for now)
Sounds interesting.If it was online, I would go and bring a couple friends with me.