The online racing simulator
I need a Picture from the Side

@F1-Skinmod: Really nice dude, respect !
Go you gobby legend!
Hi, can anyone help me how to make my lfs formula v8 car to look like a McLaren?


Quote from JohaNP :Hi, can anyone help me how to make my lfs formula v8 car to look like a McLaren?

Download Gobby's skinpak!
Quote from Gobby :Hi all.

I had no plans on releasing an update to last years F1 skinpack, but after a few requests I decided to give it a shot.

glad you did mate, they are superb
Rappa that skin is a excellent personal one- in fact it is very pro looking.
no need for cluter or weird graphics, justwell done.
can i get one?
iz not ready yet...gonna post the final laters here
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Beef yeah, looking good and sharp, nothing wrong with it. But the only thing I notice is that, even though the decals look good, the gradients make it look quite simple.
That's probably because gradients are a 2 clicks feature of Photoshop and is often used as well by beginners on crappy skins.
Cheers Sam.

I'm still learning my way through Photoshop, so I'm not the most talented. Plus it wasn't intended to be an outrageous skin, hence me saying it was plain and simple.

Trial and error will get me there eventually.
Budweiser V8
It's been kicking around unfinished since I made the Carlsberg Fox, which is essentially the same design idea. I finally managed to find a few spare hours to finish it off.

There's a bit of an Indy car feel to this one even though I know that with its high nose the V8 looks closer to an F1 car, but stuff it imho the model doesn't look so close to an F1 that we can't all play pretend

The 1024 suffers a bit in the quality stakes... it took more compression than I would have liked to use to get it under the 400kb limit, so you can have the 2048 too.

I have uploaded this to LFS world, it is public, feel free to change the numbers it's wearing but please don't edit my work any further than that.
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will the Fo8 become the FOX in regards to the BF1 car now?
i mean as far as drivers go, i have had real good FoX races, but the Fo8 ones have been miserable (noobs!) except on an oval...and that is pegged now by the set ups...F1 set for the BF1, what about the F08 will it continue getting respect?
No, the simple fact will almost certainly the remain - the FOX is probably the easiest car in the game to drive, whilst the FO8 will remain one of the hardest (though not as hard as know). Hard cars to drive when the majority of drivers have little or no driving talent are not conducive to good close clean racing.
The F08 Is certainly harder than the FOX but i have to say the F08 is a damn lot easyer (for me!!!) to get a lap out of than the LX6 (and its baby brother). They may not be particulary fast laps but they tend to be on the road (facing the right way) than (LX6) facing the wrong way on the gravel/grass (usually knackered).

LX6/4 = AAARRRGGGGHHH!!!! (pulling wheel off desk)

just saying

ps this is not a point to start an argument its just a veiw (so sorry if it offends).
Lol who wants to help me hang the F08, cause if theres TC or something to handle the BF1 good, this is gonna be R.I.P.
I think the Formula cars will be well suited to the skill levels in leagues and stuff.

The real Pros would be super fast in the BF1, and just like it is in real life, it is for the 'elite'. The FO8/F3000 is what they call the last stepping stone to Formula 1, and still fast drivers could still be driving it, and with no TC, that would still be fun for a good driver. If you can drive the FO8 fast, you can drive the BF1 fast. It is pretty much a trainer in my opinion, as is the FOX. Because it's not just the throttle control that makes you better at something, the focus is compelte concentration with a faster car is the ultimate test of your ability.

But this is off topic, don't want to change a skins thread into this discussion (it is fun to talk about, I know )
An attempt at copying a real car paint scheme:

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Ah, guess I won't upload my version of that GT4 scheme then :P

Heres a conversion of the 2003 Pescarolo-Courage Gran Turismo skin. I tried to port it over to the FOX as best I could, keeping as much of the origional paint scheme as possible. I also replaced most of the decals with decals from the LFS world All logos are as close to the real-world counterpart as possible, and the logos are similar to the real logos aswell. (Ie. A white text logo on the courage is a white text logo on the skin, in the relatively same location. Peugeot logo is Formula XR text, etc)

Please let me know what you think, via PM This skin is PUBLIC, so feel free to use it. I've already uploaded it to LFS-World aswell. (FOX_GT4pesc.jpg, just incase it gets renamed in the attatchment )

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I think looks really nice, just a coupla comments, personally I think I'd lose the light blue surround from the Nexx decal on the front winglets [like you've done on the dorsal] and the only other thing is that your attachment is the 2048 @ 1.3mb not the online version

Good job mate.... next please.
Thanks for the comments Smax The blue around the Nexx logo is there because on the pics of the courage I have, the ESA logo has a bounding box of colour around it aswell. Like I said, I kept the same type of logos while changing them to LFS logos

About the 2048 size - well, it can be easily resized in PS/PSP/etc I figured people would prefer the 2048 res skin
Fair comment... I haven't seen the car you based the skin on, or if I have I've forgotten what it looks like. Maybe make the blue shade a bit darker then? It's just that I think it clashes with the colour of the winglets, but then that's just my taste
Hmm, I think you're right about the clashing. I left it that colour because it is the colour that the rectangle was on the decal sheet. I could change it though, to the colour of the car. (Purple, or blue? Damn colour blindness..... :P )

FORMULA Skins (XR & V8)
(1447 posts, started )